Weekly eNewsletter from
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
October 30, 2020
8AM (no music at 8am) & 10AM (10am service will be live streamed)
Parish Necrology for All Saints' Day
"Please include the names of your deceased loved ones on this sign up sheet, to be read aloud at both 8am & 10am services.
REMINDERS: Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1st. Set your reminder now to Fall back tomorrow night before bed :)
Sunday's service of Holy Eucharist Rite II will be livestreaming to our YouTube channel from the sanctuary as we gather for in-person worship.
If you plan to attend in-person worship, you must sign up.
8am HERE / 10am HERE
Indoor services are limited to 20 people. If you are person 21 or higher, you will be given first dibs on the sign up for next week.
Our services begin at 8am & 10am from inside St. Nick's with the 10am service being livestreamed to our YouTube channel. Those participating from home, click here to access the service online at 10am.
Download the 8am service bulletin HERE
Download the 10am service bulletin HERE
To see the readings beforehand you can visit The Lectionary Page.
To access the prayerbook online, please click HERE.
Notes for in-person service: Masks are required. Please bring your own. A limited number of single-use masks will be available should you forget. Hand sanitizer will be available for all. Please plan accordingly. Please maintain a six feet distance from those not in your family and please sit ONLY in pews marked "Yes". There will be no coffee hour following the services. We have plans to phase back in some kind of gathering, especially for our folks worshiping from home, at some point in the future.
ROTA Now that we are meeting for in-person worship we need volunteers to read the weekly lessons and prayers.
Worship Rota
NOTE: Participants must also sign up for in-person worship on the coinciding day and service time.
8am HERE / 10am HERE
All Saints' Day, November 1, 2020
8am Service - No signups for 8am service, please volunteer at the services itself
10am Service -
First Reader: Edie Palm
Prayers of the People: Bert Mazzuto
Second Reader: Open - please sign up on the "Worship Rota" above
Thank you for signing up in advance to participate!
PRAYERS To submit a prayer request, please use our prayer request form. Our new practice for prayers will be to start fresh with a new prayer list at the start of the new month. Please feel free to resubmit your prayer requests.
ICYMI If you weren't able to watch last week or would like to see any of our previously streamed services, you can watch them HERE.
Please join us for an Election Day Vigil on Tuesday, November 3, from 6am to 10pm. There are two options for you to join.For those who wish to come to the church, please come at any time from 6am to 10pm on Election Day for prayer, meditation, or some simple quiet. Those of all faiths and of no faith are invited. We ask that you wear a mask and maintain social distance from anyone in the building, and that you sit only in designated pews. The Offices of Morning, Noon, Evening Prayer, and Compline will be prayed by the Rector at 8am, 12pm, 5pm, and 8pm, respectively. To sign up for your own personal slot to help keep Vigil as we pray for our nation and its leaders, please click here.
For those who will keep Vigil from home, feel free to log into our Zoom Vigil at any time from 6am to 10pm on Election Day using this link with passcode 777540. Your sound and video will be disabled, but you will be able to see a lit candle inside the church to accompany your prayers.
The Zion Food Pantry will be providing Thanksgiving Baskets for
people in need. If you are able to provide a Thanksgiving meal
for a family, please email or call Liz Pavelka at [email protected] or 845 297-4907 so we will know how many
people we can serve. For more details and a list of basket items
Hello Parishioners - Thank you to all those who have already returned their 2021 pledge card. So far, we have 22 pledges totaling $52,094.00 toward our goal of $145,000. If you haven't received a pledge card but would like to pledge, please reach out to Dana in the office at [email protected]. Or, NEW this year, fill out your pledge card online with our new virtual pledge card option HERE. We thank you for all the ways you continue to support our little church with a big heart :)
Sunday School at St. Nick's
A hybrid Sunday School model on Advent will begin 11/29. Stay tuned for an announcement about the time, and our thanks to St. Nick's parents for helping out with this effort!
During this upcoming holiday season, the Osborne Association is conducting a toy drive for the children visiting their parents in prison over Christmas. With your help, we are hoping to give a gift to more than 600 visiting children.
We ask you purchase gifts using Osborne’s Wish List on Amazon, as the prisons have strict regulations on what gifts can be given: http://bit.ly/toydrive2020. When purchasing gifts through this link they can be sent directly to the organization by selecting their shipping address at check out.
Alternatively, you can drop an unwrapped toy in the toy drive box at St. Nick's Church Fair, Saturday, November 7th 10am-3pm.
Items that are most in needed are: crafting kits, Barbie dolls, baby dolls, action figures, board games
For more on the Osborne Association and the 2020 toy drive: CLICK HERE
FOOD PANTRY & PERSONAL CARE PANTRY We have so many families hurting in Dutchess County. Your donations go a long way. The food pantry always needs cereal, peanut butter, mac & cheese, tuna, etc. The linens pantry needs gently used blankets, towels and new pillows. For more information Please call Liz at 297-4907.
Zoom Office Hours:
Tuesdays 3p to 5p
Wednesdays 10a to 12p
Thursdays 11a to 1p
Schedule appointments through Mtr. Leigh's online scheduler:
Join Mtr. Leigh in Zoom for a lectionary based bible study
Mondays @ 2pm
Each Monday we'll read and study together the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. To find out what the lessons are, please visit The Lectionary Page. We generally use the first option of the two listed for the first reading.
Topic: Lectionary Bible Study
Join Zoom Meeting
Our group study of How to be an Antiracist was a success, and a faithful group of six to eight participants came together in meaningful ways each week to learn, to struggle, and to grow. When we wrapped up our study of Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist, the members of the group indicated their interest in continuing the discussion on antiracism. Toward that goal, our next book for study will be White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.
Please pick up a copy of your own. All are welcome!
Book Group Dates
All meetings on Wednesdays in Zoom and all times at 7pm
11/4 - Please come to the group having read the Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2
11/11 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 3, 4 & 5
11/18 - NO MEETING due to Vestry
11/25 - NO MEETING due to the Thanksgiving holiday
12/2 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9
12/9 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 10, 11 & 12
We are grateful for each and every dollar we receive here at St. Nick's, and each one of those dollars goes to good use. We keep a lean budget, and our finance committee carefully monitors every line.
While we are not meeting in person for worship on Sunday mornings, we expect that plate donations will drop. And with so much economic uncertainty, we know that home budgets might change. In order to facilitate continued giving, we have reactivated our church PayPal account. Using the button below, you can make your pledge or donation online.
Donate Online
Additionally, you can also set up auto-draft from your own bank account using your online banking. This will cause a paper check to be sent to our mailbox at P.O. Box 490, Hughsonville, NY 12537 which we are checking each day. The Vestry are doing the normal count, and our parish administrator, Dana, continues to record pledges in our system.
END OF LIFE PLANNING The Coronavirus pandemic has likely made us aware of our own mortality in new and profound ways. It is the responsibility of the Church to assist its members in preparing for death "while they are in health," which often entails the preparation of a will, or, at the least, the preparation of a plan in the event of a member's death. We have prepared a funeral planning form that will help you begin to think through and to plan your funeral, and we encourage you to begin this process seriously if you haven't already. After you complete the forms contact Mtr. Leigh for planning.
From the Book of Common Prayer: "The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well‑being
of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses." (p. 445)
BUDDY GROUPS For Buddy Groups and captain contact information
please click: HERE
PARISH DIRECTORY A Parish Directory with the most updated contact information we have for all of you is available. If you would like a digital copy of the directory, please email the church office.
AA GROUP MEETINGS St. Nick's does have regular AA meetings but due to the Corona Virus restrictions they are currently on hold until further notice.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the weekly e-news? The deadline for submission is: Wednesdays 12pm
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Cheryl + Joann +Bernice + Eleanor +Dean +Martha + Lauren + Kristina & Pete + Kelly + Ray John + Peggy & Tom + Henry + Linda + Eva + Erin + Christina S. + Donna U. + Sandy +Joe + Joann + Barbara + Evelyn + Marlene + Damon + Devon + Ann Marie + Mary + Tony + Kyle + Howie + Susan + Joan + Jennifer + Roxann + Merik + Jean + Steve + Donna + Bob + Sophie
- for all healthcare workers and first responders
- for those in prison and for prison workers
- for nursing home staff and residents, especially Jackie
- for the sick, especially those with Covid-19
- for all who struggle
- for the unemployed
- for the disappointed
- for the oppressed
- for all who work for peace and justice
- for teachers and parents and all who are making hard decisions about schooling this fall
- for those affected by the wildfires in the western states
In Thanksgiving for:
- For Steph & Craig Mortimer on their 7 years wedding anniversary.
The Departed:
All who have died of Covid-19
For future mailings to St. Nick's please use:
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
P.O. Box 490
Hughsonville, NY 12537
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
October 30, 2020
8AM (no music at 8am) & 10AM (10am service will be live streamed)
Parish Necrology for All Saints' Day
"Please include the names of your deceased loved ones on this sign up sheet, to be read aloud at both 8am & 10am services.
REMINDERS: Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1st. Set your reminder now to Fall back tomorrow night before bed :)
Sunday's service of Holy Eucharist Rite II will be livestreaming to our YouTube channel from the sanctuary as we gather for in-person worship.
If you plan to attend in-person worship, you must sign up.
8am HERE / 10am HERE
Indoor services are limited to 20 people. If you are person 21 or higher, you will be given first dibs on the sign up for next week.
Our services begin at 8am & 10am from inside St. Nick's with the 10am service being livestreamed to our YouTube channel. Those participating from home, click here to access the service online at 10am.
Download the 8am service bulletin HERE
Download the 10am service bulletin HERE
To see the readings beforehand you can visit The Lectionary Page.
To access the prayerbook online, please click HERE.
Notes for in-person service: Masks are required. Please bring your own. A limited number of single-use masks will be available should you forget. Hand sanitizer will be available for all. Please plan accordingly. Please maintain a six feet distance from those not in your family and please sit ONLY in pews marked "Yes". There will be no coffee hour following the services. We have plans to phase back in some kind of gathering, especially for our folks worshiping from home, at some point in the future.
ROTA Now that we are meeting for in-person worship we need volunteers to read the weekly lessons and prayers.
Worship Rota
NOTE: Participants must also sign up for in-person worship on the coinciding day and service time.
8am HERE / 10am HERE
All Saints' Day, November 1, 2020
8am Service - No signups for 8am service, please volunteer at the services itself
10am Service -
First Reader: Edie Palm
Prayers of the People: Bert Mazzuto
Second Reader: Open - please sign up on the "Worship Rota" above
Thank you for signing up in advance to participate!
PRAYERS To submit a prayer request, please use our prayer request form. Our new practice for prayers will be to start fresh with a new prayer list at the start of the new month. Please feel free to resubmit your prayer requests.
ICYMI If you weren't able to watch last week or would like to see any of our previously streamed services, you can watch them HERE.
Please join us for an Election Day Vigil on Tuesday, November 3, from 6am to 10pm. There are two options for you to join.For those who wish to come to the church, please come at any time from 6am to 10pm on Election Day for prayer, meditation, or some simple quiet. Those of all faiths and of no faith are invited. We ask that you wear a mask and maintain social distance from anyone in the building, and that you sit only in designated pews. The Offices of Morning, Noon, Evening Prayer, and Compline will be prayed by the Rector at 8am, 12pm, 5pm, and 8pm, respectively. To sign up for your own personal slot to help keep Vigil as we pray for our nation and its leaders, please click here.
For those who will keep Vigil from home, feel free to log into our Zoom Vigil at any time from 6am to 10pm on Election Day using this link with passcode 777540. Your sound and video will be disabled, but you will be able to see a lit candle inside the church to accompany your prayers.
The Zion Food Pantry will be providing Thanksgiving Baskets for
people in need. If you are able to provide a Thanksgiving meal
for a family, please email or call Liz Pavelka at [email protected] or 845 297-4907 so we will know how many
people we can serve. For more details and a list of basket items
Hello Parishioners - Thank you to all those who have already returned their 2021 pledge card. So far, we have 22 pledges totaling $52,094.00 toward our goal of $145,000. If you haven't received a pledge card but would like to pledge, please reach out to Dana in the office at [email protected]. Or, NEW this year, fill out your pledge card online with our new virtual pledge card option HERE. We thank you for all the ways you continue to support our little church with a big heart :)
Sunday School at St. Nick's
A hybrid Sunday School model on Advent will begin 11/29. Stay tuned for an announcement about the time, and our thanks to St. Nick's parents for helping out with this effort!
During this upcoming holiday season, the Osborne Association is conducting a toy drive for the children visiting their parents in prison over Christmas. With your help, we are hoping to give a gift to more than 600 visiting children.
We ask you purchase gifts using Osborne’s Wish List on Amazon, as the prisons have strict regulations on what gifts can be given: http://bit.ly/toydrive2020. When purchasing gifts through this link they can be sent directly to the organization by selecting their shipping address at check out.
Alternatively, you can drop an unwrapped toy in the toy drive box at St. Nick's Church Fair, Saturday, November 7th 10am-3pm.
Items that are most in needed are: crafting kits, Barbie dolls, baby dolls, action figures, board games
For more on the Osborne Association and the 2020 toy drive: CLICK HERE
FOOD PANTRY & PERSONAL CARE PANTRY We have so many families hurting in Dutchess County. Your donations go a long way. The food pantry always needs cereal, peanut butter, mac & cheese, tuna, etc. The linens pantry needs gently used blankets, towels and new pillows. For more information Please call Liz at 297-4907.
Zoom Office Hours:
Tuesdays 3p to 5p
Wednesdays 10a to 12p
Thursdays 11a to 1p
Schedule appointments through Mtr. Leigh's online scheduler:
Join Mtr. Leigh in Zoom for a lectionary based bible study
Mondays @ 2pm
Each Monday we'll read and study together the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. To find out what the lessons are, please visit The Lectionary Page. We generally use the first option of the two listed for the first reading.
Topic: Lectionary Bible Study
Join Zoom Meeting
Our group study of How to be an Antiracist was a success, and a faithful group of six to eight participants came together in meaningful ways each week to learn, to struggle, and to grow. When we wrapped up our study of Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist, the members of the group indicated their interest in continuing the discussion on antiracism. Toward that goal, our next book for study will be White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.
Please pick up a copy of your own. All are welcome!
Book Group Dates
All meetings on Wednesdays in Zoom and all times at 7pm
11/4 - Please come to the group having read the Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2
11/11 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 3, 4 & 5
11/18 - NO MEETING due to Vestry
11/25 - NO MEETING due to the Thanksgiving holiday
12/2 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9
12/9 - Please come to the group having read Chapters 10, 11 & 12
We are grateful for each and every dollar we receive here at St. Nick's, and each one of those dollars goes to good use. We keep a lean budget, and our finance committee carefully monitors every line.
While we are not meeting in person for worship on Sunday mornings, we expect that plate donations will drop. And with so much economic uncertainty, we know that home budgets might change. In order to facilitate continued giving, we have reactivated our church PayPal account. Using the button below, you can make your pledge or donation online.
Donate Online
Additionally, you can also set up auto-draft from your own bank account using your online banking. This will cause a paper check to be sent to our mailbox at P.O. Box 490, Hughsonville, NY 12537 which we are checking each day. The Vestry are doing the normal count, and our parish administrator, Dana, continues to record pledges in our system.
END OF LIFE PLANNING The Coronavirus pandemic has likely made us aware of our own mortality in new and profound ways. It is the responsibility of the Church to assist its members in preparing for death "while they are in health," which often entails the preparation of a will, or, at the least, the preparation of a plan in the event of a member's death. We have prepared a funeral planning form that will help you begin to think through and to plan your funeral, and we encourage you to begin this process seriously if you haven't already. After you complete the forms contact Mtr. Leigh for planning.
From the Book of Common Prayer: "The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well‑being
of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses." (p. 445)
BUDDY GROUPS For Buddy Groups and captain contact information
please click: HERE
PARISH DIRECTORY A Parish Directory with the most updated contact information we have for all of you is available. If you would like a digital copy of the directory, please email the church office.
AA GROUP MEETINGS St. Nick's does have regular AA meetings but due to the Corona Virus restrictions they are currently on hold until further notice.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the weekly e-news? The deadline for submission is: Wednesdays 12pm
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Cheryl + Joann +Bernice + Eleanor +Dean +Martha + Lauren + Kristina & Pete + Kelly + Ray John + Peggy & Tom + Henry + Linda + Eva + Erin + Christina S. + Donna U. + Sandy +Joe + Joann + Barbara + Evelyn + Marlene + Damon + Devon + Ann Marie + Mary + Tony + Kyle + Howie + Susan + Joan + Jennifer + Roxann + Merik + Jean + Steve + Donna + Bob + Sophie
- for all healthcare workers and first responders
- for those in prison and for prison workers
- for nursing home staff and residents, especially Jackie
- for the sick, especially those with Covid-19
- for all who struggle
- for the unemployed
- for the disappointed
- for the oppressed
- for all who work for peace and justice
- for teachers and parents and all who are making hard decisions about schooling this fall
- for those affected by the wildfires in the western states
In Thanksgiving for:
- For Steph & Craig Mortimer on their 7 years wedding anniversary.
The Departed:
All who have died of Covid-19
For future mailings to St. Nick's please use:
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
P.O. Box 490
Hughsonville, NY 12537