Weekly eNewsletter from
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
May 16, 2020
New this Sunday...ORGAN PRELUDE at 9:15am. Just join the Sunday worship link early to catch Dan in action. What a treat to hear the music again!
MANY THANKS to everyone who took the time to fill out the "Parishioner Information Form" ( it got 28 responses!), to those of you who sent in your information, and to those who gave me the information personally. Because of all your responses our new updated directory will be available shortly :) -Dana
NEXT VESTRY MEETING Wednesday, May 20th at 7:30pm via Zoom.
COMING SOON: SUMMER READ-A-THON Just sending out a heads up that the Summer Read-a-Thon is still on. Get your book list ready!
FORWARD Day by Day:
If there is anyone that is missing the daily devotional booklet and would like one. We can drop-off or send it, your choice. Just shoot us an email at [email protected] make sure to mention if you would like small or large print.
The Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche, Bishop of New York, has announced the continued suspension of public worship in the Diocese of New York until July 1, 2020. For the full announcement CLICK HERE
Although in-person worship has been suspended until July 1st, we will be assembling a Reopening Committee to help with the preparations needed to reopen. We would like to be ready to go when in-person worship in reinstated. The requirements for joining this committee will be a 1 hour group Zoom meeting with Mtr. Leigh. These meetings are scheduled to begin the week of Memorial Day.
Reopening Committee volunteers can signup HERE
Day of Pentecost
and we need your help to prepare for the celebration!
Send us a video of your version of Pentecost to this link:
These videos will be edited into a collaboration for Whitsunday. The scripture below can help you get started. Can't wait to your videos!
Acts 2:1-21When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs-- in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power." All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" But others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine."
Sunday Morning Worship
Here's what you need to know...
Organ prelude, worship, coffee hour, and children's Sunday School will all be contained in one Zoom call.
The Zoom link to join will be found in your inbox prior to the time on Sunday morning. Begin joining as early as 9:00am.
-During worship, your audio will be automatically muted by me, the host. You can un-mute yourself to speak, but if your background noise becomes disruptive, I will mute your audio.
-We will pray together virtually but live. One person will be designated to say the responses during the prayers
-A shared slideshow will allow you to fully participate in the service at home
-We have taken all appropriate and recommended steps to make Zoom more secure
-When the service ends, we will have Zoom coffee hour at 10am, followed by children's Sunday School at 10:30am.
NEW! Zoom ROTA Mtr. Leigh needs folks to volunteer for Sunday service roles. If you are interested in participating check out the different roles and signup HERE.
Thank you for your help and patience as we navigate virtual worship!
Click on the following links for all past services:
YouTube Channel / Facebook Page
Interested in helping with Spring Cleanup?
While we won't be organizing a Spring Clean-up Day this year, there's much that we can do on our own or as a family to get some needed Spring cleaning done. Maybe finding time on a beautiful day to visit the church to keep it looking beautiful.
Some of the things that need our attention are:
On the exterior, weeding all around, raking, and some general cleanup is needed. On the inside, window cleaning (in and out), refrigerator cleanup, and cabinet organizing can always be done.
For inside work, please reach out to Dana [email protected] to be sure the office is not in use.
For tools you need, for building entry, or to discuss, please reach out to me [email protected]
Office Hours with Mtr. Leigh
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Each Wednesday from 10am to 12pm and now Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm, Mtr. Leigh holds Zoom office hours. New this week, office hours are scheduled, meaning that you'll need to make an appointment for a 15, 30, or 60 minute meeting. To make an appointment, please use Mtr. Leigh's new scheduling app: https://calendly.com/leighhall
Once you've scheduled your appointment, you'll receive the Zoom meeting information in a separate email.
We are grateful for each and every dollar we receive here at St. Nick's, and each one of those dollars goes to good use. We keep a lean budget, and our finance committee carefully monitors every line.
While we are not meeting in person for worship on Sunday mornings, we expect that plate donations will drop. And with so much economic uncertainty, we know that home budgets might change. In order to facilitate continued giving, we have reactivated our church PayPal account. Using the button below, you can make your pledge or donation online.
Donate Online
Additionally, you can also set up auto-draft from your own bank account using your online banking. This will cause a paper check to be sent to our mailbox at 37 Point St., which we are checking each day. The Vestry are doing the normal count, and our parish administrator, Dana, continues to record pledges in our system.
ZOOM! HAPPY HOUR Join your St. Nick's community weekly for Happy Hour via Zoom conference call. Grab your favorite beverage -- coffee, tea, beer, wine, seltzer, whatever -- and hang out with us for an hour. There is no agenda! Zoom Happy Hours are on Thursdays, 4:45pm to 5:45pm and will continue throughout the coronavirus crisis. The links for Zoom Happy Hour will be sent in a later email on the corresponding day so keep a look out for them in your inbox. Hope to see you there!
Art by: Sophia Gauzza :)
Storytime with Mtr. Leigh
A special invitation for our young ones and those who are young at heart. Join Mtr. Leigh each week as she reads a children's book via Zoom conference call. She does all the voices!
Next up, on Wednesday, May 20th at 2:30pm, is We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury on loan from Zoe and Georgie Mortimer.
A link to join the next storytime will be found in your inbox 15 minutes prior to the time on the corresponding day.
BUDDY GROUPS Our parish has been broken up into nine groups of six or seven households and assigned parishioners to be captains of those groups. The captains are a mix of vestry and other lay leaders in the parish. They will be in touch with you to check in and to make sure all is well with you. They will also help me to know what your needs are, be they pastoral or logistical. While you should feel free to call any member of the parish now, Buddy Groups will ensure that no one slips through the cracks, and that our elders, in particular, are getting the care they need right now.
For Buddy Groups and captain contact information
please click: HERE
AA GROUP MEETINGS St. Nick's does have regular AA meetings but due to the Corona Virus restrictions they are currently on hold until further notice.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the weekly e-news? The deadline for submission is: Thursdays @12pm
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
PRAYER REQUESTS Mtr. Leigh is doing several worship services each week and is including prayers at each one. You can choose to submit a general request for the public parish prayer list or a confidential request for her only. You can submit requests using this online form.
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Jean + Lori + Aunt Totsie + Stu + Paul + Cathy + Friends + Michael + Jake + Ashley + Teresa + Norma + Dale + Cara, Bob & Charlotte + Alex & Alison + The Howes Family + Rick + Bea + Jenn & Becky + Kim + Ashley + Tony + Christopher + Kristina & Pete + Ray John + Henry & Sue + Peggy & Tom + Kelly + Violet + Will + Those who have COVID-19 & those who have passed from COVID-19 + Steve + Bob + Donna + Danny + Charman + Chris +
- For all health care workers and first responders
- For the rapid end to this virus
- For compassion and empathy to others
In Thanksgiving for:
In thanksgiving for Mother Leigh, all Mothers, and Mothers-to-be
For the departed:
Felice Mauro + Richard + Lori Williams Minchew
+ Laurel Alksnis + Drew Hoffman + Tony Cipriano
St. Nicholas-on-the-Hudson
May 16, 2020
New this Sunday...ORGAN PRELUDE at 9:15am. Just join the Sunday worship link early to catch Dan in action. What a treat to hear the music again!
MANY THANKS to everyone who took the time to fill out the "Parishioner Information Form" ( it got 28 responses!), to those of you who sent in your information, and to those who gave me the information personally. Because of all your responses our new updated directory will be available shortly :) -Dana
NEXT VESTRY MEETING Wednesday, May 20th at 7:30pm via Zoom.
COMING SOON: SUMMER READ-A-THON Just sending out a heads up that the Summer Read-a-Thon is still on. Get your book list ready!
FORWARD Day by Day:
If there is anyone that is missing the daily devotional booklet and would like one. We can drop-off or send it, your choice. Just shoot us an email at [email protected] make sure to mention if you would like small or large print.
The Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche, Bishop of New York, has announced the continued suspension of public worship in the Diocese of New York until July 1, 2020. For the full announcement CLICK HERE
Although in-person worship has been suspended until July 1st, we will be assembling a Reopening Committee to help with the preparations needed to reopen. We would like to be ready to go when in-person worship in reinstated. The requirements for joining this committee will be a 1 hour group Zoom meeting with Mtr. Leigh. These meetings are scheduled to begin the week of Memorial Day.
Reopening Committee volunteers can signup HERE
Day of Pentecost
and we need your help to prepare for the celebration!
Send us a video of your version of Pentecost to this link:
These videos will be edited into a collaboration for Whitsunday. The scripture below can help you get started. Can't wait to your videos!
Acts 2:1-21When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs-- in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power." All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" But others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine."
Sunday Morning Worship
Here's what you need to know...
Organ prelude, worship, coffee hour, and children's Sunday School will all be contained in one Zoom call.
The Zoom link to join will be found in your inbox prior to the time on Sunday morning. Begin joining as early as 9:00am.
-During worship, your audio will be automatically muted by me, the host. You can un-mute yourself to speak, but if your background noise becomes disruptive, I will mute your audio.
-We will pray together virtually but live. One person will be designated to say the responses during the prayers
-A shared slideshow will allow you to fully participate in the service at home
-We have taken all appropriate and recommended steps to make Zoom more secure
-When the service ends, we will have Zoom coffee hour at 10am, followed by children's Sunday School at 10:30am.
NEW! Zoom ROTA Mtr. Leigh needs folks to volunteer for Sunday service roles. If you are interested in participating check out the different roles and signup HERE.
Thank you for your help and patience as we navigate virtual worship!
Click on the following links for all past services:
YouTube Channel / Facebook Page
Interested in helping with Spring Cleanup?
While we won't be organizing a Spring Clean-up Day this year, there's much that we can do on our own or as a family to get some needed Spring cleaning done. Maybe finding time on a beautiful day to visit the church to keep it looking beautiful.
Some of the things that need our attention are:
On the exterior, weeding all around, raking, and some general cleanup is needed. On the inside, window cleaning (in and out), refrigerator cleanup, and cabinet organizing can always be done.
For inside work, please reach out to Dana [email protected] to be sure the office is not in use.
For tools you need, for building entry, or to discuss, please reach out to me [email protected]
Office Hours with Mtr. Leigh
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Each Wednesday from 10am to 12pm and now Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm, Mtr. Leigh holds Zoom office hours. New this week, office hours are scheduled, meaning that you'll need to make an appointment for a 15, 30, or 60 minute meeting. To make an appointment, please use Mtr. Leigh's new scheduling app: https://calendly.com/leighhall
Once you've scheduled your appointment, you'll receive the Zoom meeting information in a separate email.
We are grateful for each and every dollar we receive here at St. Nick's, and each one of those dollars goes to good use. We keep a lean budget, and our finance committee carefully monitors every line.
While we are not meeting in person for worship on Sunday mornings, we expect that plate donations will drop. And with so much economic uncertainty, we know that home budgets might change. In order to facilitate continued giving, we have reactivated our church PayPal account. Using the button below, you can make your pledge or donation online.
Donate Online
Additionally, you can also set up auto-draft from your own bank account using your online banking. This will cause a paper check to be sent to our mailbox at 37 Point St., which we are checking each day. The Vestry are doing the normal count, and our parish administrator, Dana, continues to record pledges in our system.
ZOOM! HAPPY HOUR Join your St. Nick's community weekly for Happy Hour via Zoom conference call. Grab your favorite beverage -- coffee, tea, beer, wine, seltzer, whatever -- and hang out with us for an hour. There is no agenda! Zoom Happy Hours are on Thursdays, 4:45pm to 5:45pm and will continue throughout the coronavirus crisis. The links for Zoom Happy Hour will be sent in a later email on the corresponding day so keep a look out for them in your inbox. Hope to see you there!
Art by: Sophia Gauzza :)
Storytime with Mtr. Leigh
A special invitation for our young ones and those who are young at heart. Join Mtr. Leigh each week as she reads a children's book via Zoom conference call. She does all the voices!
Next up, on Wednesday, May 20th at 2:30pm, is We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury on loan from Zoe and Georgie Mortimer.
A link to join the next storytime will be found in your inbox 15 minutes prior to the time on the corresponding day.
BUDDY GROUPS Our parish has been broken up into nine groups of six or seven households and assigned parishioners to be captains of those groups. The captains are a mix of vestry and other lay leaders in the parish. They will be in touch with you to check in and to make sure all is well with you. They will also help me to know what your needs are, be they pastoral or logistical. While you should feel free to call any member of the parish now, Buddy Groups will ensure that no one slips through the cracks, and that our elders, in particular, are getting the care they need right now.
For Buddy Groups and captain contact information
please click: HERE
AA GROUP MEETINGS St. Nick's does have regular AA meetings but due to the Corona Virus restrictions they are currently on hold until further notice.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the weekly e-news? The deadline for submission is: Thursdays @12pm
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
PRAYER REQUESTS Mtr. Leigh is doing several worship services each week and is including prayers at each one. You can choose to submit a general request for the public parish prayer list or a confidential request for her only. You can submit requests using this online form.
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Jean + Lori + Aunt Totsie + Stu + Paul + Cathy + Friends + Michael + Jake + Ashley + Teresa + Norma + Dale + Cara, Bob & Charlotte + Alex & Alison + The Howes Family + Rick + Bea + Jenn & Becky + Kim + Ashley + Tony + Christopher + Kristina & Pete + Ray John + Henry & Sue + Peggy & Tom + Kelly + Violet + Will + Those who have COVID-19 & those who have passed from COVID-19 + Steve + Bob + Donna + Danny + Charman + Chris +
- For all health care workers and first responders
- For the rapid end to this virus
- For compassion and empathy to others
In Thanksgiving for:
In thanksgiving for Mother Leigh, all Mothers, and Mothers-to-be
For the departed:
Felice Mauro + Richard + Lori Williams Minchew
+ Laurel Alksnis + Drew Hoffman + Tony Cipriano