September 23, 2018
Feast of St. Francis with
The Blessing of the Animals
Services are at 9am & 10am
This Saturday
St. Nick's Church
2nd Annual Pig Pickin' Fundraiser
September 29th at 4:30pm
Excellent seats still available for this fundraiser. The forecast for Saturday looks fantastic and you can't beat a dinner with river views. You can get your tickets in advance by contacting the office or just come on Saturday and bring 5 friends :) Its an important parish fundraiser, so we hope all can join.
$30 for adults - $10 for children under 18 - $10 for adults over 80
- $75 for a family of 4 or more - Kids under 5 FREE
See you there!!
See the menu HERE
HELP NEEDED ON SATURDAY MORNING We need a little help on Saturday morning at 9 AM setting things up for the Pig Pickin. Much of we need to do is not strenuous so women and children are very welcome. We will probably done in an hour. Please come and bring a friend. In additions to bodies, we could also use a pickup truck or two. If you can bring one, that would be outstanding.
This Sunday, September 30th at 10am is the time to bring your furry or not so furry friends to church for their annual blessing. We will all gather in the church yard for this traditional service.
This Sunday is the Feast of St. Francis of of Assisi, with the annual Blessing of the Pets. I am a huge pet lover, so this is one of my favorite services of the church year. Below is a brief summary from the Diocese of Texas about why we celebrate Francis and bless animals on this day. I hope to see you and your furry, feathery, scaley, buzzy, etc. friends this Sunday. If they can't make it in person, I can bless a photo or stuffed animal, too.
Mother Leigh
St. Francis of Assisi lived in Italy in the 12th century. Francis grew up in a wealthy family, but as a young man, he renounced his wealth and worldly possessions and lived very simply.
When Francis spoke, everyone listened, including the animals. He told the animals that Jesus loved them too.
There was a wolf who lived in the town of Gubbio. The wolf came into the town each evening, frightening the inhabitants or eating them. Francis went to speak to “Brother Wolf” and discovered that the wolf was hungry. Francis explained that being hungry was not reason enough to eat people and their pets, or to terrorize them. The wolf became very gentle, the people fed him and he gave the children in the town rides on his back.
In the town of Gubbio, Francis built a small outdoor stable and put people in the stable to portray Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the angels. Then he added the animals - cow, donkey, sheep, etc. When asked, Francis said, “Surely the animals praised the new Messiah just as the shepherds and angels did.” And so today, we have Christmas creches with people and animals praising the newborn Messiah.
In honor of this blessed saint of the church we gather today with our animals - our pets, our service animals, police dogs and horses, zoo animals and all God’s creatures and give thanks for what they do for us and for what they mean to us.
“Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind; cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.”
SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the 10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
Ol' Flat Nick is one of the most well traveled "Flats" we know! Here he is still on voyage with the Conrads in Palm Springs, California
and after a plane ride across the Pacific Ocean they landed in Maui, HI and stopped by to see the Naekelele' Blowhole.
October 11, 2018 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Registration information to come.
THE ROTA for FALL/WINTER is available HERE
Being a Sunday participant is a great way to be involved in the services at St. Nick's. If there is anyone that would like to sign up to get onto the ROTA for future services please contact Dana in the office at[email protected].
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY St. Nicks is signed up for a special effort to help supply Love INC's personal care pantry. Please bring something in for our neighbors struggling to supply their families with non-food items. They especially need laundry detergent.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies would do. 😊
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected].
WHO'S ON THIS SUNDAY September 30th
9 am
Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
There are no readers for the 10am service this Sunday.
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - None
Altar Guild - Leeann Haubrich
Counters - Paul C. & Christine A.
Sunday School - TBA
Coffee Hour - Needed
September 23, 2018
Feast of St. Francis with
The Blessing of the Animals
Services are at 9am & 10am
This Saturday
St. Nick's Church
2nd Annual Pig Pickin' Fundraiser
September 29th at 4:30pm
Excellent seats still available for this fundraiser. The forecast for Saturday looks fantastic and you can't beat a dinner with river views. You can get your tickets in advance by contacting the office or just come on Saturday and bring 5 friends :) Its an important parish fundraiser, so we hope all can join.
$30 for adults - $10 for children under 18 - $10 for adults over 80
- $75 for a family of 4 or more - Kids under 5 FREE
See you there!!
See the menu HERE
HELP NEEDED ON SATURDAY MORNING We need a little help on Saturday morning at 9 AM setting things up for the Pig Pickin. Much of we need to do is not strenuous so women and children are very welcome. We will probably done in an hour. Please come and bring a friend. In additions to bodies, we could also use a pickup truck or two. If you can bring one, that would be outstanding.
This Sunday, September 30th at 10am is the time to bring your furry or not so furry friends to church for their annual blessing. We will all gather in the church yard for this traditional service.
This Sunday is the Feast of St. Francis of of Assisi, with the annual Blessing of the Pets. I am a huge pet lover, so this is one of my favorite services of the church year. Below is a brief summary from the Diocese of Texas about why we celebrate Francis and bless animals on this day. I hope to see you and your furry, feathery, scaley, buzzy, etc. friends this Sunday. If they can't make it in person, I can bless a photo or stuffed animal, too.
Mother Leigh
St. Francis of Assisi lived in Italy in the 12th century. Francis grew up in a wealthy family, but as a young man, he renounced his wealth and worldly possessions and lived very simply.
When Francis spoke, everyone listened, including the animals. He told the animals that Jesus loved them too.
There was a wolf who lived in the town of Gubbio. The wolf came into the town each evening, frightening the inhabitants or eating them. Francis went to speak to “Brother Wolf” and discovered that the wolf was hungry. Francis explained that being hungry was not reason enough to eat people and their pets, or to terrorize them. The wolf became very gentle, the people fed him and he gave the children in the town rides on his back.
In the town of Gubbio, Francis built a small outdoor stable and put people in the stable to portray Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the angels. Then he added the animals - cow, donkey, sheep, etc. When asked, Francis said, “Surely the animals praised the new Messiah just as the shepherds and angels did.” And so today, we have Christmas creches with people and animals praising the newborn Messiah.
In honor of this blessed saint of the church we gather today with our animals - our pets, our service animals, police dogs and horses, zoo animals and all God’s creatures and give thanks for what they do for us and for what they mean to us.
“Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind; cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.”
SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the 10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
Ol' Flat Nick is one of the most well traveled "Flats" we know! Here he is still on voyage with the Conrads in Palm Springs, California
and after a plane ride across the Pacific Ocean they landed in Maui, HI and stopped by to see the Naekelele' Blowhole.
October 11, 2018 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Registration information to come.
THE ROTA for FALL/WINTER is available HERE
Being a Sunday participant is a great way to be involved in the services at St. Nick's. If there is anyone that would like to sign up to get onto the ROTA for future services please contact Dana in the office at[email protected].
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY St. Nicks is signed up for a special effort to help supply Love INC's personal care pantry. Please bring something in for our neighbors struggling to supply their families with non-food items. They especially need laundry detergent.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies would do. 😊
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected].
WHO'S ON THIS SUNDAY September 30th
9 am
Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
There are no readers for the 10am service this Sunday.
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - None
Altar Guild - Leeann Haubrich
Counters - Paul C. & Christine A.
Sunday School - TBA
Coffee Hour - Needed