HELLO PARISHIONERS - Rain or shine, this Sunday is THE FEAST DAY OF ST. FRANCIS! If it rains, we'll take the service inside, and it won't be the first time! Bring your critters for a fun day and a blessing whatever the weather. We will bless animals at both services, but the 10 am service is our main St. Francis celebration (with a shorter than usual service for the comfort of our furry friends).
FALL SERIES "WASTE NOT" BEGINS OCTOBER 18 This fall, we will be discussing and learning about ways we can reduce our consumption - energy, food, at home and at church. Our first class will be on October 18, 11 am - noon, with a speaker from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to talk to us about the work we've been doing with them at St. Nick's, as well as about ways we can tackle energy waste in our homes. In November, someone from ZeroToGo in Beacon will be speaking with us about her organization's work to eliminate all food and paper/plastic waste, and inDecember, Mother Storm and the wardens will lead a discussion about the pope's recent encyclical on the environment and also the Anglican Communion's statements on this subject. Join us!
FALL BOOK GROUP - BOOK AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAY "THE SIXTH EXTINCTION" Our fall book group meets Weds October 28, and we'll be reading Pulitzer Prize winning The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert (info at link). This goes with our "Waste Not" series, above. Books will be available at the church starting THIS Sunday, and you can buy them there for $12 each. Listen for more at Sunday's announcements. Join us!
FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP OF ST. NICK'S October is the month when we give thanks for another wonderful year and begin planning for the next year's budget. Please begin to think and pray about what you would like to pledge to our parish for the coming year, and listen during announcements starting October 11 for more.
ST. NICK'S PICTORIAL DIRECTORY!!! We are currently preparing for the 2016 edition. Please make any edits you may have to your information HERE.
CHILI FEST & CRAFT FAIR - SAVE THE DATE & ITEMS NEEDED This year's craft fair, chili fest and rummage sale will be on Saturday November 21. If you're cleaning out and have things you'd like to sell, please set them aside and bring them to church the week of November 15. Also, if you have paper grocery bags you don't need, please bring them to the church any time between now and November 21. You can leave them downstairs in the kitchen.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Kids ages 4-12 are welcome to join the Sunday school group downstairs for the first half of the 10 am service. Older kids who would like to help can also attend. The kids are currently doing an eight-week unit on the creation story in Genesis with an emphasis on stewardship of God's earth. NOTE: THERE IS NO SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR THE FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS.
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE ROTA through the end of September is HERE. If you'd ever like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
9 am
Reader - Faith Ward
Server - Larry Johnson
10 am
First Reader - No Readers- The Blessing of the Animals
Second Reader - No Readers- "
Servers - Tyler & Debbie
Altar - Polly
Counters - Paul Bruening & Mary Hornbeck
Coffee Hour - Needed
FALL SERIES "WASTE NOT" BEGINS OCTOBER 18 This fall, we will be discussing and learning about ways we can reduce our consumption - energy, food, at home and at church. Our first class will be on October 18, 11 am - noon, with a speaker from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to talk to us about the work we've been doing with them at St. Nick's, as well as about ways we can tackle energy waste in our homes. In November, someone from ZeroToGo in Beacon will be speaking with us about her organization's work to eliminate all food and paper/plastic waste, and inDecember, Mother Storm and the wardens will lead a discussion about the pope's recent encyclical on the environment and also the Anglican Communion's statements on this subject. Join us!
FALL BOOK GROUP - BOOK AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAY "THE SIXTH EXTINCTION" Our fall book group meets Weds October 28, and we'll be reading Pulitzer Prize winning The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert (info at link). This goes with our "Waste Not" series, above. Books will be available at the church starting THIS Sunday, and you can buy them there for $12 each. Listen for more at Sunday's announcements. Join us!
FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP OF ST. NICK'S October is the month when we give thanks for another wonderful year and begin planning for the next year's budget. Please begin to think and pray about what you would like to pledge to our parish for the coming year, and listen during announcements starting October 11 for more.
ST. NICK'S PICTORIAL DIRECTORY!!! We are currently preparing for the 2016 edition. Please make any edits you may have to your information HERE.
CHILI FEST & CRAFT FAIR - SAVE THE DATE & ITEMS NEEDED This year's craft fair, chili fest and rummage sale will be on Saturday November 21. If you're cleaning out and have things you'd like to sell, please set them aside and bring them to church the week of November 15. Also, if you have paper grocery bags you don't need, please bring them to the church any time between now and November 21. You can leave them downstairs in the kitchen.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Kids ages 4-12 are welcome to join the Sunday school group downstairs for the first half of the 10 am service. Older kids who would like to help can also attend. The kids are currently doing an eight-week unit on the creation story in Genesis with an emphasis on stewardship of God's earth. NOTE: THERE IS NO SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR THE FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS.
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE ROTA through the end of September is HERE. If you'd ever like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
9 am
Reader - Faith Ward
Server - Larry Johnson
10 am
First Reader - No Readers- The Blessing of the Animals
Second Reader - No Readers- "
Servers - Tyler & Debbie
Altar - Polly
Counters - Paul Bruening & Mary Hornbeck
Coffee Hour - Needed