The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 27, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
ALL SAINTS DAY, NOVEMBER 3RD is next Sunday, November 3rd. There is a list available in the Narthex for you to write down the names (first and last) of your deceased loved ones or you can send them to Dana at [email protected] by Tuesday, Oct. 29th. These names will be read aloud during the All Saints' Day service and be included in the Sunday bulletin.
STEWARDSHIP SEASON IS HERE Thank you to all those who have already returned their card. So far, we have 32 pledges in totaling $114,880.00 of the $145,000.00 we need! Ingathering Sunday, is November 3rd. Please plan to join us for our annual Blessing of the Pledge Cards. Pledge cards for the 2020 year are available in the Narthex. Thank you for all the ways you support our beloved parish!
NEW! Property To-Do List
Greg Freeman, our Jr. Warden, has created a property to-do list for things to do around the parish, such as spring weeding, and the like. Each item has a contact person and a space for a volunteer's name. Please take a look and consider how you might help with these tasks around the parish. We appreciate you everything you do! Click HERE to view the list.
For the upcoming holidays The Zion Food Pantry (Thanksgiving Baskets) and Mid-Hudson LOVE Inc. (Christmas Angels) will be working hard to help local families need. Please stay tuned in the upcoming weeks on how you can help.
Date: November 3, 2019
Time: 2pm
Place: St. Nick's
Cost: $40 p/person
Let's get together for a fun afternoon of painting, beverages and snacks! This event has a 12 person limit. Tickets will be available now. Contact Deb Evans
Get your recipes ready! We need baked goods and chilli for our Church Fair on November 23rd. The sign-up sheet to bring a baked good for the bake sale or chili for the lunch, or enter a chili into the cook-off is HERE or in the Narthex.
Groundhog Office Hours
On Wednesdays this fall, Mtr. Leigh will be available for Groundhog Office Hours from 10a to 12p at the Groundhog Coffee Shop in the Village: 2703 W Main St, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. There is no agenda for these meetings: it's simply a chance to talk informally about anything you want.
SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ST. NICK'S is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft from 10- 10:30. All are welcome! Nursery care is available during the 10am service.
SIGN UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS ANY SUNDAY Did you know you can sign up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line “flower memorial/thanksgiving”).
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the bulletin or weekly e-news? Here are our deadlines:
Sunday Bulletin - Tuesdays, 12 noon
Weekly e-news - Thursdays, 12 noon
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS / NEW ROTA We are drafting the new ROTA schedule which will include Advent and Christmas services. There is a signup sheet on the downstairs bulletin board for those who would like to participate in these services. If there is anyone who would like to be included the upcoming schedule Please contact Dana in the office at [email protected]. NOTE: Ushers are a critical need. Whole families can sign up to usher. The current ROTA through November 10th is HERE and on our website.
First Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Colin Cuite
Second Reader - Edie Palm
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Conrad
Acolyte - Needed
Altar Guild - Polly Myhrum
Alms Counters - Edie P. & Eileen D.
Sunday School - Jennifer K. & Marcus G.
Coffee Hour - The Obligados
In Our Prayers
Those for whom prayers have been asked:
Henry & Sue + Ray John +Kelly + Will + Felice + Violet + Nicholas + Mike + Rick + Steve + Randie + Bob +Cyndee + Ray & Diane + Lorraine + Lynne + Dawn + Russell + Josephine + Joe + Ben + Erika +Robert + Roger + Sandra + Dawn + Noreen + Art + Tex
For the Baptism of Cole James Catapano + For Jack Devine's 85th birthday
The altar flowers are given
Are given to the Glory of God by Prue Barton
Those who have died. Or whose anniversary of death falls this week:
George Bliss Reese died October 8, 2019
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 27, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
ALL SAINTS DAY, NOVEMBER 3RD is next Sunday, November 3rd. There is a list available in the Narthex for you to write down the names (first and last) of your deceased loved ones or you can send them to Dana at [email protected] by Tuesday, Oct. 29th. These names will be read aloud during the All Saints' Day service and be included in the Sunday bulletin.
STEWARDSHIP SEASON IS HERE Thank you to all those who have already returned their card. So far, we have 32 pledges in totaling $114,880.00 of the $145,000.00 we need! Ingathering Sunday, is November 3rd. Please plan to join us for our annual Blessing of the Pledge Cards. Pledge cards for the 2020 year are available in the Narthex. Thank you for all the ways you support our beloved parish!
NEW! Property To-Do List
Greg Freeman, our Jr. Warden, has created a property to-do list for things to do around the parish, such as spring weeding, and the like. Each item has a contact person and a space for a volunteer's name. Please take a look and consider how you might help with these tasks around the parish. We appreciate you everything you do! Click HERE to view the list.
For the upcoming holidays The Zion Food Pantry (Thanksgiving Baskets) and Mid-Hudson LOVE Inc. (Christmas Angels) will be working hard to help local families need. Please stay tuned in the upcoming weeks on how you can help.
Date: November 3, 2019
Time: 2pm
Place: St. Nick's
Cost: $40 p/person
Let's get together for a fun afternoon of painting, beverages and snacks! This event has a 12 person limit. Tickets will be available now. Contact Deb Evans
Get your recipes ready! We need baked goods and chilli for our Church Fair on November 23rd. The sign-up sheet to bring a baked good for the bake sale or chili for the lunch, or enter a chili into the cook-off is HERE or in the Narthex.
Groundhog Office Hours
On Wednesdays this fall, Mtr. Leigh will be available for Groundhog Office Hours from 10a to 12p at the Groundhog Coffee Shop in the Village: 2703 W Main St, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. There is no agenda for these meetings: it's simply a chance to talk informally about anything you want.
SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ST. NICK'S is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft from 10- 10:30. All are welcome! Nursery care is available during the 10am service.
SIGN UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS ANY SUNDAY Did you know you can sign up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line “flower memorial/thanksgiving”).
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the bulletin or weekly e-news? Here are our deadlines:
Sunday Bulletin - Tuesdays, 12 noon
Weekly e-news - Thursdays, 12 noon
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS / NEW ROTA We are drafting the new ROTA schedule which will include Advent and Christmas services. There is a signup sheet on the downstairs bulletin board for those who would like to participate in these services. If there is anyone who would like to be included the upcoming schedule Please contact Dana in the office at [email protected]. NOTE: Ushers are a critical need. Whole families can sign up to usher. The current ROTA through November 10th is HERE and on our website.
First Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Colin Cuite
Second Reader - Edie Palm
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Conrad
Acolyte - Needed
Altar Guild - Polly Myhrum
Alms Counters - Edie P. & Eileen D.
Sunday School - Jennifer K. & Marcus G.
Coffee Hour - The Obligados
In Our Prayers
Those for whom prayers have been asked:
Henry & Sue + Ray John +Kelly + Will + Felice + Violet + Nicholas + Mike + Rick + Steve + Randie + Bob +Cyndee + Ray & Diane + Lorraine + Lynne + Dawn + Russell + Josephine + Joe + Ben + Erika +Robert + Roger + Sandra + Dawn + Noreen + Art + Tex
For the Baptism of Cole James Catapano + For Jack Devine's 85th birthday
The altar flowers are given
Are given to the Glory of God by Prue Barton
Those who have died. Or whose anniversary of death falls this week:
George Bliss Reese died October 8, 2019