SILENT AUCTION THANK YOU! A huge thank you to everyone who attended and planned the silent auction, which was another success - both in terms of having a great time, most importantly, and in raising money for St. Nick's. We brought in over $4000 to support our parish!!
This Sunday is the last day to have your directory picture taken, OR you can send a picture to Polly at [email protected] by Monday morning at the latest. ALSO: if your directory information has changed in the last year, please email Cara Ginder at [email protected]. We need: names of your family members, address, phone, and email.
OCTOBER IS STEWARDSHIP MONTH October is the month we talk about financial stewardship of St. Nick's. Here are some dates you may wish to know:
October 12, 19, & 26 - parishioners share their thoughts on stewardship (one per service) at the 9 & 10 am service
October 19 & 26 - optional 20-minute stewardship presentation after church by Greg Freeman and the stewardship committee, with time for Q&A. Find out where our money goes and why it goes there. And ask questions!
October 26 - Stewardship Sunday, when we receive pledge cards, pictorial directories, and hear the stewardship sermon.
November 2- Pledge Ingathering Sunday. Bring your completed pledge cards back to church to place in the offering plate.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR A TREASURER Our faithful, beloved Larry Johnson is retiring from his post as treasurer, and we are now looking for someone to step into this role, starting in January. This is a very important ministry, but also manageable. Please feel free to talk to Astrid if you want more information about what it involves before you consider taking it on.
The rota through November is available HERE and on our website.
9 am
Reader - Polly
Server - Joe
10 am
Readers - NEEDED
Server - Paul Conrad and Lily Stasaitis
Altar - Liz
Counters - Katie and Mary H.
Sunday School - Katie & NEEDED
Coffee Hour - NEEDED