May 31, 2015
Trinity Sunday
READ- A-THON "Sponsor Sunday" will be this Sunday. Participating families should turn in their permission slips. If anyone missed last week and is interested, information packets will be available. This week we will have a "Haitian themed coffee hour" provided by the Outreach Committee. This will be a good time for students to seek sponsors and parishioners to find a student to sponsor. See you there!
JUNE 6th
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER APPRECIATION IS JUNE 14 Be here on June 14 to thank our teachers for another great year of service!
REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY The food pantry at Zion is in need of additional donations. Remember to bring non-perishable food items to church each Sunday and add them to the basket in the narthex.
NEXT SILENT AUCTION MEETING JUNE 24 To anyone interested in being part of this fabulous committee, please join us, all are welcome! Contact Joe Haubrich at [email protected]
ST. NICK'S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IS OFF AND RUNNING!! This campaign is our fundraising effort to address critical deferred maintenance and building improvements to meet the needs of the growing parish community. At the kick-off event, chairs Greg Freeman and Paul Bruening announced that the parish leadership group (Vestry and others organizing the capital campaign) have pledged over $170,000. This generousity and demonstration of commitment puts us in good shape to reach out to the entire St. Nick's community for support over the coming weeks so we can reach our goal.
LOVE INC. FURNITURE MISSION Love INC. needs our help. They are looking for furniture donations to help families in need. Please click HERE for a full list of items they are in need of.
HELP NEEDED!! COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE We have LOTS of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made. Click on the link for ideas/instructions, and to sign up. Thank you!
SUNDAY SERVICES ARE AT 9 & 10AM Mother Storm is on maternity leave. During this time we welcome Father Sipple to lead our Sunday services. For his bio, click HERE.
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota (reader-server-altar guild-counter-teacher schedule) through May 24 is available HERE. IF you're not on it but would like to be, please pardon our mistake and let Dana know right away at [email protected].
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE Dreaming about your summer plans? Before you make them, keep in mind Vacation Bible School, which will be the last week in July (July 27-31), 9:30 am - noon. VBS is for kids ages 4-12; older kids are welcome - encouraged - to sign on as volunteers.
DIRECTORY AS A PDF The parish directory is available at this link to those who would like an electronic copy.
9 am
Reader - Polly Myrhum
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Needed
Second Reader - Debbie Evans
Servers - Tristyn Koren
Altar - Liz Pavelka
Counters - Justin Johnson & Dale Cunningham
Coffee Hour - Hosted by Outreach
Sunday School - Jen & Jack
May 31, 2015
Trinity Sunday
READ- A-THON "Sponsor Sunday" will be this Sunday. Participating families should turn in their permission slips. If anyone missed last week and is interested, information packets will be available. This week we will have a "Haitian themed coffee hour" provided by the Outreach Committee. This will be a good time for students to seek sponsors and parishioners to find a student to sponsor. See you there!
JUNE 6th
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER APPRECIATION IS JUNE 14 Be here on June 14 to thank our teachers for another great year of service!
REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY The food pantry at Zion is in need of additional donations. Remember to bring non-perishable food items to church each Sunday and add them to the basket in the narthex.
NEXT SILENT AUCTION MEETING JUNE 24 To anyone interested in being part of this fabulous committee, please join us, all are welcome! Contact Joe Haubrich at [email protected]
ST. NICK'S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IS OFF AND RUNNING!! This campaign is our fundraising effort to address critical deferred maintenance and building improvements to meet the needs of the growing parish community. At the kick-off event, chairs Greg Freeman and Paul Bruening announced that the parish leadership group (Vestry and others organizing the capital campaign) have pledged over $170,000. This generousity and demonstration of commitment puts us in good shape to reach out to the entire St. Nick's community for support over the coming weeks so we can reach our goal.
LOVE INC. FURNITURE MISSION Love INC. needs our help. They are looking for furniture donations to help families in need. Please click HERE for a full list of items they are in need of.
HELP NEEDED!! COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE We have LOTS of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made. Click on the link for ideas/instructions, and to sign up. Thank you!
SUNDAY SERVICES ARE AT 9 & 10AM Mother Storm is on maternity leave. During this time we welcome Father Sipple to lead our Sunday services. For his bio, click HERE.
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota (reader-server-altar guild-counter-teacher schedule) through May 24 is available HERE. IF you're not on it but would like to be, please pardon our mistake and let Dana know right away at [email protected].
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE Dreaming about your summer plans? Before you make them, keep in mind Vacation Bible School, which will be the last week in July (July 27-31), 9:30 am - noon. VBS is for kids ages 4-12; older kids are welcome - encouraged - to sign on as volunteers.
DIRECTORY AS A PDF The parish directory is available at this link to those who would like an electronic copy.
9 am
Reader - Polly Myrhum
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Needed
Second Reader - Debbie Evans
Servers - Tristyn Koren
Altar - Liz Pavelka
Counters - Justin Johnson & Dale Cunningham
Coffee Hour - Hosted by Outreach
Sunday School - Jen & Jack