The Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 19, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
THIS SUNDAY WE WILL OFFER A WARM WELCOME to The Rev. Gloria Payne-Carter who will be joining us at the 9am & 10am services to lead us in worship.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY have been given by Sue Blodgett in honor of our granddaughter Allie's graduation. "Congratulations Allie!"
Your vestry is planning fundraisers for thefuture and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please complete the survey on the back of the Prayers of the People insert and put in the wooden box in the Narthex. Thank you for your help and input.
To access a hard copy of the survey in a PDF format, click here.
To fill out the survey online via Google Forms, click here.
SAFE CHURCH TRAINING St. Nick's and Zion are teaming up for a Safe Church Training on Saturday, June 15, from 9:30am to 3pm, with Mtr. Leigh and Mtr. Mag as co-facilitators. All Sunday School teachers and Vestry members, as well as any others who wish to attend, should mark their calendars for this important event. More information to come.
We will kick-off our Summer read-a-thon on June 2nd. A special Haitian themed coffee hour to follow hosted by our wonderful Outreach Committee!
- JUNE 9TH -
Please join us on this day to celebrate and thank our Sunday School teachers!
SAVE THE DATE: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Mark your calendars parents! This Summer we will be joining the VBS at Zion Church, August 5th - August 9th. Adult and teenaged volunteers needed.
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE Nursery care is available to our church family. Our nursery worker, Kim Steuber, will be downstairs at 9:30a in our "pop up" nursery for care during the 10am service.
SIGN UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS ANY SUNDAY Did you know you can sign up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line “flower memorial/thanksgiving”)
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS/SUMMER ROTA Will we soon be drafting the Summer ROTA. If there is anyone who would like to sign-up to be a participant or who needs to change their availability, please contact Dana at [email protected].
9 am
Reader - Polly Myhrum
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Sue Blodgett
Second Reader - Needed
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Marcus Gauzza
Acolyte - Josh Klein
Altar Guild - Deb Evans
Alms Counters - Greg F. & Cyndy W.
Sunday School - Jennifer K. & Leslie B.
Coffee Hour - Walter & Sarah
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 19, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
THIS SUNDAY WE WILL OFFER A WARM WELCOME to The Rev. Gloria Payne-Carter who will be joining us at the 9am & 10am services to lead us in worship.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY have been given by Sue Blodgett in honor of our granddaughter Allie's graduation. "Congratulations Allie!"
Your vestry is planning fundraisers for thefuture and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please complete the survey on the back of the Prayers of the People insert and put in the wooden box in the Narthex. Thank you for your help and input.
To access a hard copy of the survey in a PDF format, click here.
To fill out the survey online via Google Forms, click here.
SAFE CHURCH TRAINING St. Nick's and Zion are teaming up for a Safe Church Training on Saturday, June 15, from 9:30am to 3pm, with Mtr. Leigh and Mtr. Mag as co-facilitators. All Sunday School teachers and Vestry members, as well as any others who wish to attend, should mark their calendars for this important event. More information to come.
We will kick-off our Summer read-a-thon on June 2nd. A special Haitian themed coffee hour to follow hosted by our wonderful Outreach Committee!
- JUNE 9TH -
Please join us on this day to celebrate and thank our Sunday School teachers!
SAVE THE DATE: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Mark your calendars parents! This Summer we will be joining the VBS at Zion Church, August 5th - August 9th. Adult and teenaged volunteers needed.
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE Nursery care is available to our church family. Our nursery worker, Kim Steuber, will be downstairs at 9:30a in our "pop up" nursery for care during the 10am service.
SIGN UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS ANY SUNDAY Did you know you can sign up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line “flower memorial/thanksgiving”)
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS/SUMMER ROTA Will we soon be drafting the Summer ROTA. If there is anyone who would like to sign-up to be a participant or who needs to change their availability, please contact Dana at [email protected].
9 am
Reader - Polly Myhrum
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Sue Blodgett
Second Reader - Needed
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Marcus Gauzza
Acolyte - Josh Klein
Altar Guild - Deb Evans
Alms Counters - Greg F. & Cyndy W.
Sunday School - Jennifer K. & Leslie B.
Coffee Hour - Walter & Sarah