Hello Parishioners - Looks like the sun might make an appearance by Sunday, in time for the baptism of little Camden Barnum-Kegan at the 10 am service. Looking forward to being back with you all, and meantime, have a good (hopefully sunny?) weekend! -Astrid
EPISCOPAL CHARITIES SUNDAY - THANK YOU Thank you for your generosity to Episcopal Charities' feeding programs. We raised almost $300 in our special collection last Sunday!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: SAVE THE DATE This year's vacation bible school is AUGUST 11-15, and our theme is Five Stories from Luke's Gospel. Geared toward ages 4-12. Help us spread the word!
LOOKING AHEAD: PENTECOST JUNE 8 WITH VISIT FROM CANON TAMMEARU In three weeks, on Pentecost Sunday, Canon Deborah Tammearu, Vicar emeritus of St. Nick's and Canon for Deployment in our diocese, will be joining us for both services to kick-off the process of our becoming a full "parish." Don't miss it!
PENTECOST POTLUCK JUNE 8 Please plan to bring something tasty for our annual Pentecost potluck in 3 weeks. Sign up in church, or email your item to Cara at [email protected].
WANT TO RECEIVE THE EPISCOPAL NEW YORKER? The quarterly diocesan newspaper is free and available to anyone who wants to receive it. Just send your request to Cara, and she will send along your mailing address to the Episcopal New Yorker office.
COFFEE HOURS: SIGN UP HERE OR AT THE CHURCH You can sign up at the link above, or in the undercroft.
REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY Make it a goal to buy one item for the food pantry every time you go to the grocery store. Your donations of food are taken to the Zion food pantry each week. As the before meal grace in the Book of Common Prayer says, "Keep us mindful of the needs of those with less."
ROTA THROUGH JUNE The rota for readers, servers, and altar guild can be found HERE. If you see anything that needs to be changed, please email Cara at [email protected].
9am Service
Reader: Cheryl
Server: Jen
10 am Service
First Reader: Elizabeth
Second Reader: Stacey
Server: Lyndsey and Brandon
Altar Guild: Polly
Counters: Faith and Cheryl
Sunday School: Jen and Sarah
Coffee Hour: Stacey and Colin
EPISCOPAL CHARITIES SUNDAY - THANK YOU Thank you for your generosity to Episcopal Charities' feeding programs. We raised almost $300 in our special collection last Sunday!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: SAVE THE DATE This year's vacation bible school is AUGUST 11-15, and our theme is Five Stories from Luke's Gospel. Geared toward ages 4-12. Help us spread the word!
LOOKING AHEAD: PENTECOST JUNE 8 WITH VISIT FROM CANON TAMMEARU In three weeks, on Pentecost Sunday, Canon Deborah Tammearu, Vicar emeritus of St. Nick's and Canon for Deployment in our diocese, will be joining us for both services to kick-off the process of our becoming a full "parish." Don't miss it!
PENTECOST POTLUCK JUNE 8 Please plan to bring something tasty for our annual Pentecost potluck in 3 weeks. Sign up in church, or email your item to Cara at [email protected].
WANT TO RECEIVE THE EPISCOPAL NEW YORKER? The quarterly diocesan newspaper is free and available to anyone who wants to receive it. Just send your request to Cara, and she will send along your mailing address to the Episcopal New Yorker office.
COFFEE HOURS: SIGN UP HERE OR AT THE CHURCH You can sign up at the link above, or in the undercroft.
REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY Make it a goal to buy one item for the food pantry every time you go to the grocery store. Your donations of food are taken to the Zion food pantry each week. As the before meal grace in the Book of Common Prayer says, "Keep us mindful of the needs of those with less."
ROTA THROUGH JUNE The rota for readers, servers, and altar guild can be found HERE. If you see anything that needs to be changed, please email Cara at [email protected].
9am Service
Reader: Cheryl
Server: Jen
10 am Service
First Reader: Elizabeth
Second Reader: Stacey
Server: Lyndsey and Brandon
Altar Guild: Polly
Counters: Faith and Cheryl
Sunday School: Jen and Sarah
Coffee Hour: Stacey and Colin