The Second Sunday in Lent
March 17, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
HELLO PARISHIONERS - Sunday, March 24th is the day of our Outback Luncheon Fundraiser. Outback will be serving up their specialties from "down under" and Mtr. Leigh is bringing one of her specialty desserts. You don't want to miss out!
For tickets sales please see Jack Devine, Joseph Haubrich II or Mtr. Leigh :)
OUTREACH COMMITTEE Next meeting is this Sunday following the 10am service and will meet in the undercroft.
TIS' THE SEASON OF LENT and we have lots going on here at St. Nick's. Please take the time to check out our Lent, Holy Week & Easter schedule of the upcoming lessons, services & events HERE. We hope you will be able to attend some of the cool things happening during this special time of year.
"EGGS FOR ERD" Lenten Project During Lent, each Sunday they will pick-up a plastic Easter egg to fill with coins during the week and return them the following Sunday. With the monies raised they will take a vote on what gift they will donate to a family in a developing country. To join in, you too can pick-up an Easter to fill with coins. The results of the vote will be announced Easter Sunday.
Let's join together to make a difference!
"WAY OF LOVE" WEDNESDAYS Join Mtr. Leigh for "Way of Love" Wednesdays , an adult formation opportunity using Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's curriculum called "The Way of Love: Practices for Jesus-Centered Life." Each session will be offer twice on Wednesdays: Once during the day (with Holy Eucharist at noon followed by soup and discussion at 12:30) and once in the evening (with spoken Evening Prayer at 6pm followed by soup and discussion at 6:30pm). The dates are as follows: Turn - 3/13, Learn - 3/2-, Pray - 3/27, Worship - 4/3, Bless - 4/10, Go - 4/17, Rest - 4/24.
2019 BISHOPS VISITATION Bishop Dietsche will be here for his episcopal visitation on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Please mark your calendar now, as we will have Confirmations, Receptions, and Re-affirmations that day. A calendar for Confirmation classes has been emailed to parents. The Vestry will meet with the Bishop following coffee hour.
ST. NICK'S IS ON INSTAGRAM St. Nicholas now has an Instagram account. Find us and tag us @stnicholasnewhamburg We need some friends and followers!
Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE We are very excited to offer nursery care to our church family. Our nursery worker, Kim Steuber, will be downstairs at 9:30a in our "pop up" nursery for care during the 10am service.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
It can be found HERE, on our website or on the downstairs bulletin board. If there is anyone that would like to be added to our Sunday Participant rotation, please contact Dana at [email protected]
9 am
Reader - Leeann Haubrich
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader - Paul Curran
Second Reader - Sue Blodgett
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Jackson Wainwright
Altar Guild - Joan Freeman
Alms Counters - Jack P. & Joe H. II
Sunday School - Alex R. & Marcus G.
Coffee Hour - The Devine's
The Second Sunday in Lent
March 17, 2019
Services are at 9am & 10am
HELLO PARISHIONERS - Sunday, March 24th is the day of our Outback Luncheon Fundraiser. Outback will be serving up their specialties from "down under" and Mtr. Leigh is bringing one of her specialty desserts. You don't want to miss out!
For tickets sales please see Jack Devine, Joseph Haubrich II or Mtr. Leigh :)
OUTREACH COMMITTEE Next meeting is this Sunday following the 10am service and will meet in the undercroft.
TIS' THE SEASON OF LENT and we have lots going on here at St. Nick's. Please take the time to check out our Lent, Holy Week & Easter schedule of the upcoming lessons, services & events HERE. We hope you will be able to attend some of the cool things happening during this special time of year.
"EGGS FOR ERD" Lenten Project During Lent, each Sunday they will pick-up a plastic Easter egg to fill with coins during the week and return them the following Sunday. With the monies raised they will take a vote on what gift they will donate to a family in a developing country. To join in, you too can pick-up an Easter to fill with coins. The results of the vote will be announced Easter Sunday.
Let's join together to make a difference!
"WAY OF LOVE" WEDNESDAYS Join Mtr. Leigh for "Way of Love" Wednesdays , an adult formation opportunity using Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's curriculum called "The Way of Love: Practices for Jesus-Centered Life." Each session will be offer twice on Wednesdays: Once during the day (with Holy Eucharist at noon followed by soup and discussion at 12:30) and once in the evening (with spoken Evening Prayer at 6pm followed by soup and discussion at 6:30pm). The dates are as follows: Turn - 3/13, Learn - 3/2-, Pray - 3/27, Worship - 4/3, Bless - 4/10, Go - 4/17, Rest - 4/24.
2019 BISHOPS VISITATION Bishop Dietsche will be here for his episcopal visitation on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Please mark your calendar now, as we will have Confirmations, Receptions, and Re-affirmations that day. A calendar for Confirmation classes has been emailed to parents. The Vestry will meet with the Bishop following coffee hour.
ST. NICK'S IS ON INSTAGRAM St. Nicholas now has an Instagram account. Find us and tag us @stnicholasnewhamburg We need some friends and followers!
Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE We are very excited to offer nursery care to our church family. Our nursery worker, Kim Steuber, will be downstairs at 9:30a in our "pop up" nursery for care during the 10am service.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
It can be found HERE, on our website or on the downstairs bulletin board. If there is anyone that would like to be added to our Sunday Participant rotation, please contact Dana at [email protected]
9 am
Reader - Leeann Haubrich
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader - Paul Curran
Second Reader - Sue Blodgett
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Jackson Wainwright
Altar Guild - Joan Freeman
Alms Counters - Jack P. & Joe H. II
Sunday School - Alex R. & Marcus G.
Coffee Hour - The Devine's