The First Sunday in Lent
March 1, 2020
Services are at 9am & 10am
A BIG THANK YOU To everyone who contributed to our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We had a wonderful turnout and the food was delish. A special thanks to Angelo & Barbara Giaimo for coordinating this event again this year.
LENT MADNESS - Who will win the golden halo? Lent Madness is a fun way to learn about the saints, who are placed into a tournament-like style elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period and people vote online for their favorite saint. Look for our bracket downstairs & check out for more information.
WEDNESDAYS IN LENT Join Mtr. Leigh for Wendell Berry Wednesdays, an adult formation opportunity focusing on sabbath. Berry’s This Day: Collected and New Sabbath Poems. Each session will be offered twice on Wednesdays: once during the day (with Holy Eucharist at noon followed by soup and discussion at 12:30p) and once in the evening (with spoken Evening Prayer at 6p followed by soup and discussion at 6:30p).
CHILDREN’S LENTEN PROJECT TO SUPPORT EPISCOPAL RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT – AND HOW YOU CAN HELP! Throughout Lent, the Sunday school kids will be raising money to buy a goat, pig, chicken, or all the above for a family in a developing country through Episcopal Relief and Development. If you want to help them reach their goal, just pick up a plastic egg in the back of the church, put some coins in it, then place the egg in the offering plate next Sunday 😊
* All services take place at St. Nick’s, 37 Point St., New Hamburg, NY
Wednesday February 26
Ash Wednesday Services at 12pm & 7:30pm
Sunday March 15
Lenten Evensong Service at 4pm
Sunday April 5
Palm Sunday Services at 9 & 10 am
A reading of the Passion of Christ, followed by Communion.
Thursday April 9
Maundy Thursday Service 7:30 pm
A service commemorating Christ’s institution of the Eucharist, with foot washing and the stripping of the altar.
Friday April 10
Good Friday Children’s Service 10 am - An interactive children’s service walking through the last days of Jesus’ life, including the entry into Jerusalem, Last Supper, foot washing, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.
Stations of the Cross Service 3 pm - This service follows the path of Jesus to the cross, with stations for prayer and the reading of scripture along the way.
Good Friday Service 7:30 pm – This somber evening service is a short, quiet liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer.
Saturday April 11
Easter Vigil 8 pm returns to St. Nick’s this year!
The first service of Easter! An ancient service with candles, a liturgical enactment of the passage from dark to light, and lots of singing.
Sunday April 12
Easter Services 9 am & 10 am Festive Holy Eucharist Services
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt in the Church Yard!
THE ROTA THROUGH JUNE 2020 is available now.
You can CLICK HERE to check it out, find it on our website at or on the downstairs bulletin board. If there is anyone that would like to be added to our Sunday Participant rotation, please contact Dana in the office at [email protected].
MARCH 22nd: Polly Myhrum Pottery Fellowship Event
APRIL 19th: Outback Luncheon Fundraiser
GROUNDHOG OFFICE HOURS ARE ON HIATUS for the season of Lent. Mtr. Leigh is available for the rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent this season, by appointment only. Please email the office or see pg. 446-452 of the prayer book for more information.
Want to lend a helping hand around the church?
Check out our Property to do list.
Greg Freeman, our Jr. Warden, has created a property to-do list for things to do around the parish, such as spring weeding, and the like. Each item has a contact person and a space for a volunteer's name. Please take a look and consider how you might help with these tasks around the parish. We appreciate you everything you do! Click HERE to view the list.
SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ST. NICK'S is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft from 10- 10:30. All are welcome! Professional nursery care is available during the 10am service.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the bulletin or weekly e-news? Here are our deadlines:
Sunday Bulletin - Tuesdays, 12 noon
Weekly e-news - Thursdays, 12 noon
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS / ROTA The ROTA schedule through February can be found HERE on the downstairs bulletin board or on our website. Anyone who would like to be added to our list of Sunday Participants contact Dana at [email protected].
First Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First reading – Sue Blodgett
Second reading – George Hemroth
Server – Liz Pavelka
Acolyte - Michael Batta
Altar Guild – Liz Pavelka
Counters – Ted O. & Bert M.
Sunday School – TBA
Coffee Hour - Prudy Barton
ALTAR FLOWERS POSTER: There are no flowers during Lent, March 1st - April 5th.
2020 Annual Report HERE
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Danny + Donna + Larry + Diane + Dean + Martha + Stacey + Duncan + Ray & Diane + Jackie + Norma + Nancy + Bill + Ellen + Elizabeth + The Rev. Jim Stinson + Richard + Russell + Josephine + James + Tommy + Joanne + Jenna + Dawn + Donna + Danny + Jack + Robert + Lorraine + Tom + Adam + Cynthia + Leonie + Blanche + John A. + Maureen + John + Dan + Paul + Cindy
In Thanksgiving for:
- For this beautiful day of sunshine
- For all who volunteer in our parish
For those who have died, or whose anniversary of death falls this week:
Vito Farinola + Helen Martinson
Steve Beitzell, a person some of our parishioners will remember from Church of the Resurrection, Hopewell Jct., died of a heart attack on February 25, 2020. Please hold Steve and his family in prayer.
The First Sunday in Lent
March 1, 2020
Services are at 9am & 10am
A BIG THANK YOU To everyone who contributed to our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We had a wonderful turnout and the food was delish. A special thanks to Angelo & Barbara Giaimo for coordinating this event again this year.
LENT MADNESS - Who will win the golden halo? Lent Madness is a fun way to learn about the saints, who are placed into a tournament-like style elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period and people vote online for their favorite saint. Look for our bracket downstairs & check out for more information.
WEDNESDAYS IN LENT Join Mtr. Leigh for Wendell Berry Wednesdays, an adult formation opportunity focusing on sabbath. Berry’s This Day: Collected and New Sabbath Poems. Each session will be offered twice on Wednesdays: once during the day (with Holy Eucharist at noon followed by soup and discussion at 12:30p) and once in the evening (with spoken Evening Prayer at 6p followed by soup and discussion at 6:30p).
CHILDREN’S LENTEN PROJECT TO SUPPORT EPISCOPAL RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT – AND HOW YOU CAN HELP! Throughout Lent, the Sunday school kids will be raising money to buy a goat, pig, chicken, or all the above for a family in a developing country through Episcopal Relief and Development. If you want to help them reach their goal, just pick up a plastic egg in the back of the church, put some coins in it, then place the egg in the offering plate next Sunday 😊
* All services take place at St. Nick’s, 37 Point St., New Hamburg, NY
Wednesday February 26
Ash Wednesday Services at 12pm & 7:30pm
Sunday March 15
Lenten Evensong Service at 4pm
Sunday April 5
Palm Sunday Services at 9 & 10 am
A reading of the Passion of Christ, followed by Communion.
Thursday April 9
Maundy Thursday Service 7:30 pm
A service commemorating Christ’s institution of the Eucharist, with foot washing and the stripping of the altar.
Friday April 10
Good Friday Children’s Service 10 am - An interactive children’s service walking through the last days of Jesus’ life, including the entry into Jerusalem, Last Supper, foot washing, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.
Stations of the Cross Service 3 pm - This service follows the path of Jesus to the cross, with stations for prayer and the reading of scripture along the way.
Good Friday Service 7:30 pm – This somber evening service is a short, quiet liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer.
Saturday April 11
Easter Vigil 8 pm returns to St. Nick’s this year!
The first service of Easter! An ancient service with candles, a liturgical enactment of the passage from dark to light, and lots of singing.
Sunday April 12
Easter Services 9 am & 10 am Festive Holy Eucharist Services
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt in the Church Yard!
THE ROTA THROUGH JUNE 2020 is available now.
You can CLICK HERE to check it out, find it on our website at or on the downstairs bulletin board. If there is anyone that would like to be added to our Sunday Participant rotation, please contact Dana in the office at [email protected].
MARCH 22nd: Polly Myhrum Pottery Fellowship Event
APRIL 19th: Outback Luncheon Fundraiser
GROUNDHOG OFFICE HOURS ARE ON HIATUS for the season of Lent. Mtr. Leigh is available for the rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent this season, by appointment only. Please email the office or see pg. 446-452 of the prayer book for more information.
Want to lend a helping hand around the church?
Check out our Property to do list.
Greg Freeman, our Jr. Warden, has created a property to-do list for things to do around the parish, such as spring weeding, and the like. Each item has a contact person and a space for a volunteer's name. Please take a look and consider how you might help with these tasks around the parish. We appreciate you everything you do! Click HERE to view the list.
SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ST. NICK'S is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft from 10- 10:30. All are welcome! Professional nursery care is available during the 10am service.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
INTRA OFFICE DEADLINES Want to put an announcement in the bulletin or weekly e-news? Here are our deadlines:
Sunday Bulletin - Tuesdays, 12 noon
Weekly e-news - Thursdays, 12 noon
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mtr. Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected]. The Rector observes Friday as her Sabbath. Please emergency calls/texts/emails on Fridays.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AGING NEWS: SENIOR RESOURCES Click on this link for the recent enews from Dutchess County Department For The Aging:
SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS / ROTA The ROTA schedule through February can be found HERE on the downstairs bulletin board or on our website. Anyone who would like to be added to our list of Sunday Participants contact Dana at [email protected].
First Reader - Joe Haubrich II
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First reading – Sue Blodgett
Second reading – George Hemroth
Server – Liz Pavelka
Acolyte - Michael Batta
Altar Guild – Liz Pavelka
Counters – Ted O. & Bert M.
Sunday School – TBA
Coffee Hour - Prudy Barton
ALTAR FLOWERS POSTER: There are no flowers during Lent, March 1st - April 5th.
2020 Annual Report HERE
In Our Prayers
For those for whom prayers have been asked:
Danny + Donna + Larry + Diane + Dean + Martha + Stacey + Duncan + Ray & Diane + Jackie + Norma + Nancy + Bill + Ellen + Elizabeth + The Rev. Jim Stinson + Richard + Russell + Josephine + James + Tommy + Joanne + Jenna + Dawn + Donna + Danny + Jack + Robert + Lorraine + Tom + Adam + Cynthia + Leonie + Blanche + John A. + Maureen + John + Dan + Paul + Cindy
In Thanksgiving for:
- For this beautiful day of sunshine
- For all who volunteer in our parish
For those who have died, or whose anniversary of death falls this week:
Vito Farinola + Helen Martinson
Steve Beitzell, a person some of our parishioners will remember from Church of the Resurrection, Hopewell Jct., died of a heart attack on February 25, 2020. Please hold Steve and his family in prayer.