Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 23, 2017
Services are at 9 & 10am
ANOTHER GREAT WEEK OF VBS AT ST. NICK'S Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out at Vacation Bible School last week. It was a fun-filled week of learning how to be kind to our neighbors and give back to our community. The children learned "Love One Another," a beautiful anthem that they will sing as our Offertory this Sunday.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY Have been donated by Jackie Ruf in memory of Lottie Wood.
"FRIENDS OF DARBONNE" PRESENTATION W/ SPECIAL GUESTS Next Sunday, July 30th, Maya Hennebery and Mother Magdalene (from Zion Church) will join us during coffee hour to share photos and stories from their recent trip to Darbonne, Haiti. This is a great time to learn more about "Friends of Darbonne" and how our donations this organization are being used. Parishioners: It's not to late to sponsor a child for the Summer Read-a-thon just let them know you would like to sponsor. To all of the children participating in this fundraiser..Keep up the good work!
LOVE INC. PERSONAL CARE PANTRY Let's help our neighbors in need! July and August are the months that St. Nick's makes our push for pantry supplies. It's as easy as picking up an extra tooth paste, dish soap, paper towels or anything on the following list while your already at the store. Items can be dropped in the LOVE INC. box at the back of the church. If we all give one item we can stock the shelves in no time!
Personal Pantry Supply List:
(family size) laundry/dish detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, feminine products, shampoo/conditioner, combs, brushes, toothbrushes/paste, bar soap, deodorant, razors and shaving cream.
We will continue to collect general school supplies for one of the Outreach projects the children worked on during VBS. Listed are the items needed:
Boxes of crayons, pencils, colored pencils, markers, rulers, notebooks, binders, loose leaf, glue sticks / tape, little pencil sharpeners, erasers, highlighter, pencil cases, kid safe scissors. Anything that you can donate is greatly appreciated. Please place your donations in the "VBS" basket located in the back of the church.
LOCAL EVENT: EPISCOPALIANS IN THE PARK Come out and join Mtr. Leigh for the Episcopalians in the Park event on July 29th at St. Luke's in Beacon, 850 Wolcott Ave. This is a Fun-loving event where you will get to mingle with local Episcopalians while enjoying good food, music and games. If you are interested in attending, let Mtr. Leigh know by July 23rd so we can RSVP.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE MEETING is this coming Monday, July 24th at 7pm. Meeting will be held in St. Nick's in the undercroft. If there is anyone interested in getting involved with this committee please come an join us at this or any meeting.
NEXT VESTRY MEETING is on Wednesday, August 9th at 7:30pm.
SIGN-UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS Did you know you can sign-up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign-up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line "flower memorial/thanksgiving").
CONFIRMATION CLASS Mother Leigh would like to assess the need for a confirmation class (to take place before the October 1st bishop's visitation). Should you or your child wish to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed, please see Mother Leigh or contact Dana in the office.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall at 706-296-2759 or email [email protected]
SUMMER "ROTA" IS NOW AVAILABLE HERE If there is anyone that would like to be added to the list of readers & servers so you can participate in Sunday services or existing participants that would like to change their availability, please contact Dana in the office at [email protected]
COFFEE HOUR Interested in hosting coffee hour? It can be simple: Cookies, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions, ideas,and to sign up. Thank you!
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Thank you to everyone who continues to give to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
"Friends of Darbonne" Presentation w/ Special Guests - July 30th
Vestry Meeting - August 9th
Parish Picnic at the Freeman's - September 17th
Bishop's visit with Confirmations - October 1st
Pig Pickin' - October 14th
St. Nick's Church Fair - November 18th
9 am
Reader - Needed
Server - Melanie Hexel
10 am
Reader - Ed Sayago
Reader - Grace Wainwright
Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Tyler Jornov
Altar Guild - Leeann Haubrich
Alms Counters - Paul C. & Christine A.
Sunday School - No Sunday School
Coffee Hour - Needed
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 23, 2017
Services are at 9 & 10am
ANOTHER GREAT WEEK OF VBS AT ST. NICK'S Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out at Vacation Bible School last week. It was a fun-filled week of learning how to be kind to our neighbors and give back to our community. The children learned "Love One Another," a beautiful anthem that they will sing as our Offertory this Sunday.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY Have been donated by Jackie Ruf in memory of Lottie Wood.
"FRIENDS OF DARBONNE" PRESENTATION W/ SPECIAL GUESTS Next Sunday, July 30th, Maya Hennebery and Mother Magdalene (from Zion Church) will join us during coffee hour to share photos and stories from their recent trip to Darbonne, Haiti. This is a great time to learn more about "Friends of Darbonne" and how our donations this organization are being used. Parishioners: It's not to late to sponsor a child for the Summer Read-a-thon just let them know you would like to sponsor. To all of the children participating in this fundraiser..Keep up the good work!
LOVE INC. PERSONAL CARE PANTRY Let's help our neighbors in need! July and August are the months that St. Nick's makes our push for pantry supplies. It's as easy as picking up an extra tooth paste, dish soap, paper towels or anything on the following list while your already at the store. Items can be dropped in the LOVE INC. box at the back of the church. If we all give one item we can stock the shelves in no time!
Personal Pantry Supply List:
(family size) laundry/dish detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, feminine products, shampoo/conditioner, combs, brushes, toothbrushes/paste, bar soap, deodorant, razors and shaving cream.
We will continue to collect general school supplies for one of the Outreach projects the children worked on during VBS. Listed are the items needed:
Boxes of crayons, pencils, colored pencils, markers, rulers, notebooks, binders, loose leaf, glue sticks / tape, little pencil sharpeners, erasers, highlighter, pencil cases, kid safe scissors. Anything that you can donate is greatly appreciated. Please place your donations in the "VBS" basket located in the back of the church.
LOCAL EVENT: EPISCOPALIANS IN THE PARK Come out and join Mtr. Leigh for the Episcopalians in the Park event on July 29th at St. Luke's in Beacon, 850 Wolcott Ave. This is a Fun-loving event where you will get to mingle with local Episcopalians while enjoying good food, music and games. If you are interested in attending, let Mtr. Leigh know by July 23rd so we can RSVP.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE MEETING is this coming Monday, July 24th at 7pm. Meeting will be held in St. Nick's in the undercroft. If there is anyone interested in getting involved with this committee please come an join us at this or any meeting.
NEXT VESTRY MEETING is on Wednesday, August 9th at 7:30pm.
SIGN-UP FOR ALTAR FLOWERS Did you know you can sign-up to have the altar guild buy flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one? Just sign-up on the poster on the Sacristy door and we will make sure your memorial or thanksgiving is observed on the appropriate day. Suggested donation is $25, to be put in the plate (memo line "flower memorial/thanksgiving").
CONFIRMATION CLASS Mother Leigh would like to assess the need for a confirmation class (to take place before the October 1st bishop's visitation). Should you or your child wish to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed, please see Mother Leigh or contact Dana in the office.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall at 706-296-2759 or email [email protected]
SUMMER "ROTA" IS NOW AVAILABLE HERE If there is anyone that would like to be added to the list of readers & servers so you can participate in Sunday services or existing participants that would like to change their availability, please contact Dana in the office at [email protected]
COFFEE HOUR Interested in hosting coffee hour? It can be simple: Cookies, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions, ideas,and to sign up. Thank you!
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Thank you to everyone who continues to give to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
"Friends of Darbonne" Presentation w/ Special Guests - July 30th
Vestry Meeting - August 9th
Parish Picnic at the Freeman's - September 17th
Bishop's visit with Confirmations - October 1st
Pig Pickin' - October 14th
St. Nick's Church Fair - November 18th
9 am
Reader - Needed
Server - Melanie Hexel
10 am
Reader - Ed Sayago
Reader - Grace Wainwright
Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Tyler Jornov
Altar Guild - Leeann Haubrich
Alms Counters - Paul C. & Christine A.
Sunday School - No Sunday School
Coffee Hour - Needed