Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
July 17, 2016
Officiating this Sunday:
Rev. Janet Vincent
TRANSITION NEWS!! As selecting a chair person for the Search Committee is a recommended practice from the diocese, the vestry has designated Stacey Mesler. Stacey will be assisting the vestry in appointing the other members of the committee. Thank you Stacey! We are so grateful for you to be taking on such an important role in our parishes future.
SEARCH COMMITTEE This committee will be made up of parishioners dedicated to the process of screening candidates on behalf of the parish. They must be able to envision what our parish should look like in the coming years and represent the diverse views of all parishioners. If you are interested in serving on this committee please fill out the form provided HERE and return it to [email protected], Stacey Mesler, any vestry member or place it in a green envelope and drop it in the plate. If you have any questions you can contact Paul Curran at (914 844 0894).
BRICKS AND SLATE AT THE CHURCH There have been some inquiries about the bricks and slate that are stacked in the church yard. If anyone has an idea that would put them to good use please feel free to take them. We would hate to see them go to waste.
NURSERY CARE Mark your calendars.. Nursery care will NOT be available on July 31st but will resume regularly with Lauren beginning in August.
LOVE Inc. PERSONAL CARE DONATIONS We are signed up for July & August to help Love Inc. stock up on personal care products to support clients in need. The items most requested are as follows: laundry detergent, toilet paper, dish soap.., paper towels, tissues and bath soap. Let's get together and help those in need! Items can be placed in the baskets at the back of the church.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE We have many ongoing changes happening here at St. Nick's. We encourage all parishioners interested to come and join in the discussions. For more information you can contact Dana at [email protected]
PASTORAL CARE During the transition period the vestry has appointed "pastoral care liaisons" whom you may call if you need to speak to a priest for any reason at any time. These parish members will find a local priest to attend to your need. The liaisons and contact information are Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
FRIENDS OF DARBONNE READ-A-THON Our kids are now in the midst of their summer reading to raise money for the children in Darbonne, Haiti. We are so proud to be part of such a wonderful fundraiser. Good job and keep reading!
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PROGRESS PICTURES are HERE.The album will be updated as work progresses. To anyone who would like to share pictures they have taken of the work happening at St. Nick's, you can send them to Dana at [email protected] and they will be added to the album.
FORGOT WHAT YOU PLEDGED TO THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN? NEED A REMINDER OF HOW TO PAY ONLINE? WANT MORE UPDATES? You can always email Dana in the office, but now you can also go to our website and click on the capital campaign page. That will send you right over to the online payment site. (Note: for reminders on what you've given, you'll still need to email Dana.)
2015-16 ONLINE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of your directories.
HELP NEEDED!! COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE We have lots of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" through August is here. Let us know if you need any changes!
9 am
Reader - Rick Levitt
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First reading - Gayle or Gerri Rhodes
Second Reading - Paul Conrad
Servers- Lyndsey Conrad & Alex Reese
Altar - Leeann Haubrich
Counters - Paul Curran & Paul Bruening
Sunday School - No Sunday school
Coffee Hour - Needed
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
July 17, 2016
Officiating this Sunday:
Rev. Janet Vincent
TRANSITION NEWS!! As selecting a chair person for the Search Committee is a recommended practice from the diocese, the vestry has designated Stacey Mesler. Stacey will be assisting the vestry in appointing the other members of the committee. Thank you Stacey! We are so grateful for you to be taking on such an important role in our parishes future.
SEARCH COMMITTEE This committee will be made up of parishioners dedicated to the process of screening candidates on behalf of the parish. They must be able to envision what our parish should look like in the coming years and represent the diverse views of all parishioners. If you are interested in serving on this committee please fill out the form provided HERE and return it to [email protected], Stacey Mesler, any vestry member or place it in a green envelope and drop it in the plate. If you have any questions you can contact Paul Curran at (914 844 0894).
BRICKS AND SLATE AT THE CHURCH There have been some inquiries about the bricks and slate that are stacked in the church yard. If anyone has an idea that would put them to good use please feel free to take them. We would hate to see them go to waste.
NURSERY CARE Mark your calendars.. Nursery care will NOT be available on July 31st but will resume regularly with Lauren beginning in August.
LOVE Inc. PERSONAL CARE DONATIONS We are signed up for July & August to help Love Inc. stock up on personal care products to support clients in need. The items most requested are as follows: laundry detergent, toilet paper, dish soap.., paper towels, tissues and bath soap. Let's get together and help those in need! Items can be placed in the baskets at the back of the church.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE We have many ongoing changes happening here at St. Nick's. We encourage all parishioners interested to come and join in the discussions. For more information you can contact Dana at [email protected]
PASTORAL CARE During the transition period the vestry has appointed "pastoral care liaisons" whom you may call if you need to speak to a priest for any reason at any time. These parish members will find a local priest to attend to your need. The liaisons and contact information are Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
FRIENDS OF DARBONNE READ-A-THON Our kids are now in the midst of their summer reading to raise money for the children in Darbonne, Haiti. We are so proud to be part of such a wonderful fundraiser. Good job and keep reading!
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PROGRESS PICTURES are HERE.The album will be updated as work progresses. To anyone who would like to share pictures they have taken of the work happening at St. Nick's, you can send them to Dana at [email protected] and they will be added to the album.
FORGOT WHAT YOU PLEDGED TO THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN? NEED A REMINDER OF HOW TO PAY ONLINE? WANT MORE UPDATES? You can always email Dana in the office, but now you can also go to our website and click on the capital campaign page. That will send you right over to the online payment site. (Note: for reminders on what you've given, you'll still need to email Dana.)
2015-16 ONLINE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of your directories.
HELP NEEDED!! COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE We have lots of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" through August is here. Let us know if you need any changes!
9 am
Reader - Rick Levitt
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First reading - Gayle or Gerri Rhodes
Second Reading - Paul Conrad
Servers- Lyndsey Conrad & Alex Reese
Altar - Leeann Haubrich
Counters - Paul Curran & Paul Bruening
Sunday School - No Sunday school
Coffee Hour - Needed