JULY IS LOVE INC PERSONAL CARE PANTRY MONTH Throughout this month, we will be collecting items for the Love INC personal care pantry. Specific items you can buy will be listed in church on Sunday.
MID-YEAR PLEDGE STATEMENTS Your mid-year pledge statements should have arrived in your inbox on Tuesday, July 8. If you didn't receive one, please contact Cara. Because so many of us travel during the summer, we tend to have a tougher time making ends meet during these months. If you can, please help us by sending in pledges through the mail. (Remember, too, there's an auto-pay process that you can sign up for any time. That service is a huge help to our budget.) Pardon for having to ask this, but we want to keep our little parish afloat!
HAITI READ-A-THON Thank you to all the kids who have signed up to read this summer in support of students in Darbonne, Haiti. So far, we have fourteen kids signed up! This Sunday is the mid-way point, but it's STILL not too late to join in. All the information you need is HERE, and you can email Cara your child's name so she knows to add him or her to the list.
SILENT AUCTION COMMITTEE MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY, 7 PM AT THE CHURCH Come join in, even if on a drop-in basis. The more help, the better the event! And if you know of a business that might be willing to make a donation, please contact Joe Haubrich right away. He can be reached a [email protected].
KNOW SOMEONE WHO MIGHT LIKE A NOTE OR A PHONE CALL? Part of what the outreach committee does is check in with parishioners who are ill, or unable to come to church, or just anyone, parishioner or not, who might need some encouragement. If you know of someone, contact Astrid or Liz Pavelka at [email protected].
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS NEEDED for our summer Sundays (sign up here or at the church). Remember, "keep it simple" is our summer motto (and that the coffee is already made for you).
LOOKING AHEAD: NEWCOMER CLASS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20 New(ish) to St. Nick's and interested in learning more about us? Save the date for our next newcomer class!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: REGISTER ONLINE Vacation bible school is AUGUST 11-15, and our theme is Five Stories from Luke's Gospel, geared toward ages 4-12. If you know your son or daughter will be attending, you can register them with Cara, our office manager, by emailing her directly.
READER/SERVER/ALTAR/COUNTER ROTA The summer rota is available HERE. Remember this is the first pass at it, and we are happy to make changes as needed. Just email Cara.
9am Service
Reader: Cheryl
Server: Leeann
10 am Service
First Reader: Rick
Second Reader: Medley
Server: Alex Reese and Evelyn Ries-Larson
Altar Guild: Polly
Counters: Jack Devine and Paul Bruening
Coffee Hour: Needed