January 8, 2017
The First Sunday after Epiphany/The Baptism of Our Lord
This Sunday we have been invited to Zion Church, 12 Satterlee Place in Wappingers Falls for worship while the painters continue their work on the interior of St. Nick's. Services hours at Zion on this day are 7:30AM, Rite I, and 10AM, Rite II with with music and baptism.
2016 PLEDGE STATEMENTS will be sent later this month. Keep your eyes on your in-box. If there is anyone who needs a copy sent via snail mail contact Dana in the office.
PLEDGE PROGRESS FOR 2017 A huge thank you to everyone who has handed in pledge cards. So far, we have 50 pledge cards totaling $113,094.00 toward our goal of $134,000.00. You can put your card in the plate any time before the end of the year (the sooner the better for budgeting purposes). Thank you for your support! Pledge cards were included in your stewardship yearbook & directories. If by any chance you want to pledge and did not get a pledge card they are now available in the back of the church OR you can simply email Dana or Fr. Sipple the amount you would like to pledge.
2017 PLEDGE ENVELOPES NOW AVAILABLE Pledge envelopes for non-electronic givers are now in the back of the church for pick-up.
SUNDAY SCHOOL There will be no Sunday School this Sunday but will resume on January 15th.
COFFEE HOUR Volunteers needed!! We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SEARCH COMMITTEE The diocese has approved St. Nick's application to officially begin our search for a new Rector. Our Parish Profile has been posted on the parish website HERE. We also have a few printed copies around the church. The Search Committee will review all applications received between now and December 5 and then start evaluations. Many thanks to Serena Starzyk for coordinating the preparation of the profile and to the many parishioners who contributed to the effort.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact the Interim Pastor, The Rev. Peter Sipple at (534 2864) or email [email protected]. During the interim period, five members of the parish will serve as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and the interim pastor. You may wish to speak with one of them as well. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
"EVERYTHING ROTA" The new schedule through February is HERE.
Previously scheduled 9am readers & servers and 10am readers for this Sunday have been rescheduled do to service relocation at Zion Church. 10AM server and acolyte have been invited to participate in Zion's 10am service.
9 am
Reader -
Server -
10 am
Reader -
Reader -
Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - Elizabeth Cuite
Altar Guild -
Alms Counters -
Sunday School - No Sunday School
Coffee Hour -
January 8, 2017
The First Sunday after Epiphany/The Baptism of Our Lord
This Sunday we have been invited to Zion Church, 12 Satterlee Place in Wappingers Falls for worship while the painters continue their work on the interior of St. Nick's. Services hours at Zion on this day are 7:30AM, Rite I, and 10AM, Rite II with with music and baptism.
2016 PLEDGE STATEMENTS will be sent later this month. Keep your eyes on your in-box. If there is anyone who needs a copy sent via snail mail contact Dana in the office.
PLEDGE PROGRESS FOR 2017 A huge thank you to everyone who has handed in pledge cards. So far, we have 50 pledge cards totaling $113,094.00 toward our goal of $134,000.00. You can put your card in the plate any time before the end of the year (the sooner the better for budgeting purposes). Thank you for your support! Pledge cards were included in your stewardship yearbook & directories. If by any chance you want to pledge and did not get a pledge card they are now available in the back of the church OR you can simply email Dana or Fr. Sipple the amount you would like to pledge.
2017 PLEDGE ENVELOPES NOW AVAILABLE Pledge envelopes for non-electronic givers are now in the back of the church for pick-up.
SUNDAY SCHOOL There will be no Sunday School this Sunday but will resume on January 15th.
COFFEE HOUR Volunteers needed!! We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SEARCH COMMITTEE The diocese has approved St. Nick's application to officially begin our search for a new Rector. Our Parish Profile has been posted on the parish website HERE. We also have a few printed copies around the church. The Search Committee will review all applications received between now and December 5 and then start evaluations. Many thanks to Serena Starzyk for coordinating the preparation of the profile and to the many parishioners who contributed to the effort.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact the Interim Pastor, The Rev. Peter Sipple at (534 2864) or email [email protected]. During the interim period, five members of the parish will serve as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and the interim pastor. You may wish to speak with one of them as well. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
"EVERYTHING ROTA" The new schedule through February is HERE.
Previously scheduled 9am readers & servers and 10am readers for this Sunday have been rescheduled do to service relocation at Zion Church. 10AM server and acolyte have been invited to participate in Zion's 10am service.
9 am
Reader -
Server -
10 am
Reader -
Reader -
Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - Elizabeth Cuite
Altar Guild -
Alms Counters -
Sunday School - No Sunday School
Coffee Hour -