HELLO PARISHIONERS - A reminder that this Sunday is our annual meeting and potluck lunch, starting at 11:15 at the Yacht Club. Please plan to be there if you can. And families with young children: remember there's professional childcare in the undercroft, with pizza and a movie! No need to rsvp - just drop your child off and come on down to the meeting.
Also, in church we'll be celebration The Presentation of our Lord, also known as Candlemas, a nice mid-winter service to help remind us that spring is on its way. As is our tradition, we'll be honoring the work of the Altar Guild at announcements, so come out and thank them for all they do!
THANK YOU TO OUR ALTAR GUILD On Candlemas we honor our Altar Guild and all their work behind the scenes to make our worship so beautiful, week after week, year after year. The members of our altar guild are: Polly Myhrum, Liz Pavelka, Barbara Giaimo, Debra Evans and Leeann Haubrich. We are so grateful for their work!
CALLING ALL NEWCOMERS! If you are new to St. Nick's and interested in learning more about our tradition, please contact Mo. Storm. She is presently organizing a class. And note: those who just want a refresher course on the tradition are welcome to participate, too.
ANNUAL MEETING IS THIS SUNDAY!! - POTLUCK SIGN UP HERE Our annual meeting is THIS Sunday January 31, and you can sign up for the pot luck at the link above (or see it to be reminded of what you signed up to bring). Please plan to attend! Everyone is welcome, new folks especially! This is a great way to learn about our parish - how we operate, what happens "behind the scenes," who our vestry members are, and lots more!
LOVE INC NEWS - COOKIE WALK, VOLUNTEER MEETING, ETC. "Love In the Name of Christ" is an organization which helps local people in need in all sorts of ways, from helping them set up and furnish new homes to giving them spiritual comfort and support. We are a sponsoring church of Love INC, and there are some events coming up you may want to be involved with, including the COOKIE WALK! On February 13, 9 am - 2 pm at the Poughkeepsie Methodist Church. Buy lots of cookies because you should! All proceeds go to Love INC. For info on baking cookies for the event, contact Liz Pavelka at [email protected]. On February 13, 7-8 pm there will be an introductory meeting for NEW VOLUNTEERS at the New Beginnings Church in Poughkeepsie.
SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER - VOLUNTEER HERE! Shrove Tues, the day before Lent, is your chance to eat pancakes for supper, and all because the church tells you to! This is a fun event for the whole parish, with kids especially welcome. Please consider helping out - new members very welcome to pitch in! The sign up sheets are online here, and also on the bulletin board in church. Listen at church this Sunday for more announcements. Save the date!
Drop in when you can at noon every Thursday for a short service of noonday prayer followed by 45 minutes of Bible study and discussion on the texts for the coming Sunday! This is a totally casual, no pressure, come-as-you-can sort of thing. Hope to see you there! Runs noon-1 pm.
Click here for the online version of your directories. COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME
RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
for December and January is now here. Let Dana or Mo. Storm know if you need to make any changes, and/or if you'd like to be added as a reader or server. Thank you!
9 am
Reader - Larry Johnson
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader- Debbie Evans
Second Reader - Serena Starzyk
Servers - Evelyn Reis-Larson & Leeann Haubrich
Altar - Polly M.
Counters - Faith Ward & Katie Graves-Abe
Sunday School - Derek, Sarah & Michelle (helper)
Coffee Hour - Annual Meeting at the Yacht Club
Also, in church we'll be celebration The Presentation of our Lord, also known as Candlemas, a nice mid-winter service to help remind us that spring is on its way. As is our tradition, we'll be honoring the work of the Altar Guild at announcements, so come out and thank them for all they do!
THANK YOU TO OUR ALTAR GUILD On Candlemas we honor our Altar Guild and all their work behind the scenes to make our worship so beautiful, week after week, year after year. The members of our altar guild are: Polly Myhrum, Liz Pavelka, Barbara Giaimo, Debra Evans and Leeann Haubrich. We are so grateful for their work!
CALLING ALL NEWCOMERS! If you are new to St. Nick's and interested in learning more about our tradition, please contact Mo. Storm. She is presently organizing a class. And note: those who just want a refresher course on the tradition are welcome to participate, too.
ANNUAL MEETING IS THIS SUNDAY!! - POTLUCK SIGN UP HERE Our annual meeting is THIS Sunday January 31, and you can sign up for the pot luck at the link above (or see it to be reminded of what you signed up to bring). Please plan to attend! Everyone is welcome, new folks especially! This is a great way to learn about our parish - how we operate, what happens "behind the scenes," who our vestry members are, and lots more!
LOVE INC NEWS - COOKIE WALK, VOLUNTEER MEETING, ETC. "Love In the Name of Christ" is an organization which helps local people in need in all sorts of ways, from helping them set up and furnish new homes to giving them spiritual comfort and support. We are a sponsoring church of Love INC, and there are some events coming up you may want to be involved with, including the COOKIE WALK! On February 13, 9 am - 2 pm at the Poughkeepsie Methodist Church. Buy lots of cookies because you should! All proceeds go to Love INC. For info on baking cookies for the event, contact Liz Pavelka at [email protected]. On February 13, 7-8 pm there will be an introductory meeting for NEW VOLUNTEERS at the New Beginnings Church in Poughkeepsie.
SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER - VOLUNTEER HERE! Shrove Tues, the day before Lent, is your chance to eat pancakes for supper, and all because the church tells you to! This is a fun event for the whole parish, with kids especially welcome. Please consider helping out - new members very welcome to pitch in! The sign up sheets are online here, and also on the bulletin board in church. Listen at church this Sunday for more announcements. Save the date!
Drop in when you can at noon every Thursday for a short service of noonday prayer followed by 45 minutes of Bible study and discussion on the texts for the coming Sunday! This is a totally casual, no pressure, come-as-you-can sort of thing. Hope to see you there! Runs noon-1 pm.
Click here for the online version of your directories. COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME
RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
for December and January is now here. Let Dana or Mo. Storm know if you need to make any changes, and/or if you'd like to be added as a reader or server. Thank you!
9 am
Reader - Larry Johnson
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader- Debbie Evans
Second Reader - Serena Starzyk
Servers - Evelyn Reis-Larson & Leeann Haubrich
Altar - Polly M.
Counters - Faith Ward & Katie Graves-Abe
Sunday School - Derek, Sarah & Michelle (helper)
Coffee Hour - Annual Meeting at the Yacht Club