In the event of severe inclement weather we will be in touch via email on Saturday 1/19 with any changes to Sunday services.
The Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 20, 2018
Services are at 9am & 10am
A BIG WELCOME to Fr. Kevin Bean who will be with us this Sunday to lead our services and join us in worship.
WHILE MTR. LEIGH IS AWAY Mtr. Leigh will be away until January 31st. If you have a pastoral emergency during this time please contact Paul Curran at 914-844-0894 or [email protected] so he can arrange pastoral care.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE Next meeting is this Sunday following the 10am service.
The Annual Meeting of the Parish & Potluck
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Our annual meeting and parish potluck will be on February 3, right after the 10am service. We’ll discuss lots of important parish housekeeping issues, including our 2019 budget, the capital campaign briefing, outreach goals, and other such matters important to our common life. A sign-up sheet is available in the back of the church for those who would like to bring a dish to share.
2019 BISHOPS VISITATION Bishop Dietsche will be here for his episcopal visitation on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Please mark your calendar now, as we will have Confirmations, Receptions, and Re-affirmations that day. If you believe you or your child needs to be confirmed, received, or re-affirmed, please email Mtr. Leigh. A calendar for Confirmation classes will be available in the New Year.
FEBRUARY 9 - LOVE Inc. Cookie Walk We need cookie makers! Last year we ran out of cookies and we would hate for that to happen again. Please consider baking specialty cookies to donate. Liz Pavelka has offered to pick up donated cookies from the church. For more information see Liz or contact her at [email protected]
MARCH 5 - St. Nick's Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.Helpers needed! Sign up sheet available in the narthex and downstairs bulletin board
JANUARY 27 - The Annual Observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
"Justice, Only Justice, You Shall Pursue"
Join Christians on:
January 27th, 3:00pm at The Chapel at Vassar
ST. NICK'S IS ON INSTAGRAM St. Nicholas now has an Instagram account. Find us and tag us @stnicholasnewhamburg We need some friends and followers!
STEWARDSHIP 2019' We are SO close to meeting our $140,000 goal for our stewardship campaign this year. Thank you to all who have submitted a pledge card, especially to our new pledgers. To date, we have 47 pledges totaling $135,538. It's not too late to pledge! Pledge cards are available in the Narthex. If you have any questions regarding pledging to St. Nick's you can contact Mtr. Leigh. Please note that we will not "roll over" your amount from last year unless you tell us to! Thank you for your support of our mission and ministry here at St. Nick's!
2019 PLEDGE ENVELOPES are available for pick-up. You will find them in the in the Narthex on Sunday.
ST. NICK'S VESTRY Would you like to help our church thrive this year and beyond? Yes? Then consider being on the Vestry. Interested persons should contact Mtr. Leigh at ([email protected]), or our Wardens, Paul Curran ([email protected]) and/or Greg Freeman ([email protected]).
General Responsibilities for all Vestry Members
All vestry members should strive to the best of their abilities to:
• Have a love of God and demonstrate a commitment to following the way of Christ;
• Be active in and knowledgeable about the congregation, its programs
and governance;
• Be fair, interact well with people and strive to earn the respect of the
members of the congregation;
• Purposefully strive to “check one’s ego at the door;”
• Purposefully strive to be a servant of the people without the need to be
the “most important person” in the congregation or the need to be the
one with the right answers to everything;
• Have enthusiasm and vitality for this ministry.
All vestry members should be able to make the following time commitments:
• Vestry meetings, committee work;
• Vestry retreat(s);
• Weekly worship services (rotating occasionally if more than one);
• Congregational events: coffee hours, meals, fundraisers, adult education programs, etc.;
• Diocesan meetings, as necessary;
• Annual meeting.
All vestry members are responsible for:
• Offering talents to support the congregation’s ministry;
• Praying daily for the rector, leaders and members of the congregation;
• Pledging financial support early in the stewardship campaign;
• Being active ministers of the Gospel in daily life and work;
• Bringing one’s whole self to the table; being present – mind, body, and spirit;
• Risking openness with one’s ideas, beliefs and desires.
Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the 10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE We are very excited to welcome our new nursery worker, Kim Steuber, to our church staff. Kim will be downstairs at 9:30a setting up our "pop up" nursery in the office/sacristy for nursery care during the 10am service.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
THE "NEW" ROTA THROUGH JUNE 2019 is being drafted now. If there is anyone that would like to be added to our Sunday Participant rotation, please contact Dana at [email protected]
9 am
Reader - George Kolb
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Beth Devine
Second Reader - Josh Klein
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - Needed
Altar Guild - Leeann H.
Alms Counters - Jack P. & Janine G.
Sunday School - Jennifer K. & Marcus G.
Coffee Hour - Jack & Val