The Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 14, 2018
Services are at 9am & 10am
HELLO PARISHIONERS - Great news! With all your support and generosity St. Nick's Capital Campaign has closed out 2017 at 99.31% of our projected goal. Thank you for all your support. Plans for renovating the undercroft are up and running. Anyone who would like to get involved in future planning can drop by one of our monthly Property Committee meetings. All are welcome and are encouraged to join! If you have any questions please reach out to Mtr. Leigh or Paul Curran.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY Have been donated by Sue Blodgett in loving memory of he husband, Al Blodgett.
PLEDGE ENVELOPES Don’t forget your pledge envelopes for the 2018 year. They are available in the back of the church for you to take home with you (in alphabetical order).
2018 ANNUAL MEETING Save the date and plan to attend our annual meeting and parish potluck (sign-up HERE or on the clipboard available in the back of the church for those of you that would like to bring a dish) on January 28, right after the 10 am service. We’ll discuss lots of important parish housekeeping issues, including our 2018 budget, the capital campaign and upcoming dates for construction work, outreach goals, and other such matters important to our common life.
VESTRY MEETING The January vestry meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 17 at 7:30pm in the undercroft.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13th Volunteers Needed!
Outback Luncheon Fundraiser - March 4th
2018 PLEDGE UPDATE Thank you to everyone who sent in your pledges for 2018! So far, we have received 49 pledges for a total of $128,567.00 toward our goal of $137,000.00. If you haven’t pledged, but would like to, it’s not to late. There are pledge cards available in the back of the church. Fill one out and place it in the plate on any Sunday or snail mail it to the church at 37 Point Street. If you have any questions about pledging to St. Nick’s, you can contact Mtr. Leigh.
SUNDAY SCHOOL For kids ages 4-12. Teachers and children should gather in the undercroft from 10 – 10:30. All are welcome!
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 706-296-2759, or email [email protected].
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
COFFEE HOUR Volunteers needed!! We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
9 am
Reader - George or Vicki Kolb
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Dale Cunningham
Second Reader - Needed
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Bruening
Acolyte - Joshua Klein
Altar Guild - Debra Evans
Alms Counters - Debra E. & Dale C.
Sunday School - TBA
Coffee Hour - Needed
The Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 14, 2018
Services are at 9am & 10am
HELLO PARISHIONERS - Great news! With all your support and generosity St. Nick's Capital Campaign has closed out 2017 at 99.31% of our projected goal. Thank you for all your support. Plans for renovating the undercroft are up and running. Anyone who would like to get involved in future planning can drop by one of our monthly Property Committee meetings. All are welcome and are encouraged to join! If you have any questions please reach out to Mtr. Leigh or Paul Curran.
ALTAR FLOWERS THIS SUNDAY Have been donated by Sue Blodgett in loving memory of he husband, Al Blodgett.
PLEDGE ENVELOPES Don’t forget your pledge envelopes for the 2018 year. They are available in the back of the church for you to take home with you (in alphabetical order).
2018 ANNUAL MEETING Save the date and plan to attend our annual meeting and parish potluck (sign-up HERE or on the clipboard available in the back of the church for those of you that would like to bring a dish) on January 28, right after the 10 am service. We’ll discuss lots of important parish housekeeping issues, including our 2018 budget, the capital campaign and upcoming dates for construction work, outreach goals, and other such matters important to our common life.
VESTRY MEETING The January vestry meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 17 at 7:30pm in the undercroft.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13th Volunteers Needed!
Outback Luncheon Fundraiser - March 4th
2018 PLEDGE UPDATE Thank you to everyone who sent in your pledges for 2018! So far, we have received 49 pledges for a total of $128,567.00 toward our goal of $137,000.00. If you haven’t pledged, but would like to, it’s not to late. There are pledge cards available in the back of the church. Fill one out and place it in the plate on any Sunday or snail mail it to the church at 37 Point Street. If you have any questions about pledging to St. Nick’s, you can contact Mtr. Leigh.
SUNDAY SCHOOL For kids ages 4-12. Teachers and children should gather in the undercroft from 10 – 10:30. All are welcome!
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 706-296-2759, or email [email protected].
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
COFFEE HOUR Volunteers needed!! We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
9 am
Reader - George or Vicki Kolb
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Dale Cunningham
Second Reader - Needed
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Bruening
Acolyte - Joshua Klein
Altar Guild - Debra Evans
Alms Counters - Debra E. & Dale C.
Sunday School - TBA
Coffee Hour - Needed