February 26, 2017
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
HELLO PARISHIONERS, I hope all of you are ready to eat some pancakes and jambalaya to kick-off Lent!! St. Nicks annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is next Tuesday, February 28 at the New Hamburg Fire House, 15 Channingville Rd from 5 pm - 7:30 pm. All are welcome so please feel free to extend the invite to your family and friends to join us. Those of you who would like to volunteer at this event can sign-up HERE. This is also a great opportunity for the kids to get in on the action by volunteering to be servers. They all enjoyed this in the past and we would love to keep it going. The server sign-up is HERE. See you there!
ASH WEDNESDAY service will be held at 7pm on March 1. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Please come to receive the imposition of ashes in a short service with Holy Eucharist. Children are welcome.
CHILDREN'S ERD LENTEN PROJECT IS BACK during Lent the children will be raising money to purchase a goat, a pig or maybe even a flock of chickens for a family in a developing country through Episcopal Relief and Development. Let's all chip in to make this our best year yet! You can help them reach their goal by taking home an egg on Sunday, filling it with coins and dropping it back of in the offering plate the following Sunday. The results will be announced on Easter Sunday.
"EVERYTHING ROTA" The NEW schedule through May is HERE. Check it out to see the assignments for Lent and Holy week 2017. If you would like to be included on the list of readers/servers or acolytes please contact Dana at [email protected].
LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTER/EUCHARISTIC VISITOR Have you served as a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) or Eucharistic Visitor (EV)? Whether you answer yes or no, the Diocese of NY requires that each of us carrying out these important liturgical roles knows what our responsibilities are. Moreover, the Diocese licenses each individual to carry out this mission. Do you need to get licensed or re-up a previous license? Plan to attend a 2017 LEM and EV training day, of which there are three coming up soon. The closest to St. Nick’s will take place at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Cornwall on Saturday, March 18, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Those interested in attending please talk with Liz Pavelka or Peter Sipple.
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY This is the last Sunday in February to drop of goods needed to help out local families. Here is the list of goods requested: Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, laundry detergent and dish washing liquid. Linens Ministry could use gently used blankets and new pillows. Furniture Ministry needs able bodied volunteers to help with pick-up and delivery. Please see Liz P. or Eileen D. for more info.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thank you to everyone who has given to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and the time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
SUNDAY SCHOOL for kids ages 4-12 is available at the 10am service. Parents check out the weekly Parent/Teacher email for more information about what the children will be learning about. If you are not subscribed to this email but would like to be you can contact Dana in the office to be added to the list.
COFFEE HOUR We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SEARCH COMMITTEE The Search Committee has reviewed the submitted applications and is in the process of evaluating the applicants. Our Parish Profile has been posted on the parish website or you can check it out by clicking HERE.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact the Interim Pastor, The Rev. Peter Sipple at (534 2864) or email [email protected]. During the interim period, five members of the parish will serve as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and the interim pastor. You may wish to speak with one of them as well. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
Reader - Janine Gauzza
Reader - Fred Jackson
Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Jackson Wainwright
Altar Guild - Liz Pavelka
Alms Counters - Greg F. & Janine G.
Sunday School - Intro to the ERD Lenten Project w/ Debbie and Liz
Coffee Hour - Jennifer Klein
February 26, 2017
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
HELLO PARISHIONERS, I hope all of you are ready to eat some pancakes and jambalaya to kick-off Lent!! St. Nicks annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is next Tuesday, February 28 at the New Hamburg Fire House, 15 Channingville Rd from 5 pm - 7:30 pm. All are welcome so please feel free to extend the invite to your family and friends to join us. Those of you who would like to volunteer at this event can sign-up HERE. This is also a great opportunity for the kids to get in on the action by volunteering to be servers. They all enjoyed this in the past and we would love to keep it going. The server sign-up is HERE. See you there!
ASH WEDNESDAY service will be held at 7pm on March 1. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Please come to receive the imposition of ashes in a short service with Holy Eucharist. Children are welcome.
CHILDREN'S ERD LENTEN PROJECT IS BACK during Lent the children will be raising money to purchase a goat, a pig or maybe even a flock of chickens for a family in a developing country through Episcopal Relief and Development. Let's all chip in to make this our best year yet! You can help them reach their goal by taking home an egg on Sunday, filling it with coins and dropping it back of in the offering plate the following Sunday. The results will be announced on Easter Sunday.
"EVERYTHING ROTA" The NEW schedule through May is HERE. Check it out to see the assignments for Lent and Holy week 2017. If you would like to be included on the list of readers/servers or acolytes please contact Dana at [email protected].
LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTER/EUCHARISTIC VISITOR Have you served as a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) or Eucharistic Visitor (EV)? Whether you answer yes or no, the Diocese of NY requires that each of us carrying out these important liturgical roles knows what our responsibilities are. Moreover, the Diocese licenses each individual to carry out this mission. Do you need to get licensed or re-up a previous license? Plan to attend a 2017 LEM and EV training day, of which there are three coming up soon. The closest to St. Nick’s will take place at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Cornwall on Saturday, March 18, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Those interested in attending please talk with Liz Pavelka or Peter Sipple.
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY This is the last Sunday in February to drop of goods needed to help out local families. Here is the list of goods requested: Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, laundry detergent and dish washing liquid. Linens Ministry could use gently used blankets and new pillows. Furniture Ministry needs able bodied volunteers to help with pick-up and delivery. Please see Liz P. or Eileen D. for more info.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thank you to everyone who has given to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and the time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
SUNDAY SCHOOL for kids ages 4-12 is available at the 10am service. Parents check out the weekly Parent/Teacher email for more information about what the children will be learning about. If you are not subscribed to this email but would like to be you can contact Dana in the office to be added to the list.
COFFEE HOUR We always have slots open for those who would like to host. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
SEARCH COMMITTEE The Search Committee has reviewed the submitted applications and is in the process of evaluating the applicants. Our Parish Profile has been posted on the parish website or you can check it out by clicking HERE.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact the Interim Pastor, The Rev. Peter Sipple at (534 2864) or email [email protected]. During the interim period, five members of the parish will serve as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and the interim pastor. You may wish to speak with one of them as well. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
Reader - Janine Gauzza
Reader - Fred Jackson
Server - Maria Wainwright
Acolyte - Jackson Wainwright
Altar Guild - Liz Pavelka
Alms Counters - Greg F. & Janine G.
Sunday School - Intro to the ERD Lenten Project w/ Debbie and Liz
Coffee Hour - Jennifer Klein