First Sunday after Christmas and Holy Baptism
December 30, 2018
Services are at 9am & 10am
+ HOLY BAPTISM + Congratulations to Liz Pavelka's grandson, Colin Robert Smith, who will be baptised at this Sunday's 10am service. Welcome to their family and friends!
THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD SERVICE,JANUARY 6 Be sure to join us for a special service on Sunday, January 6th, when we will welcome three very special guests at the 10am service. They will have travelled a long way to be here, so let's greet them with our usual St. Nick's hospitality.
The Annual Meeting of the Parish
Sunday, February 3, 2019
2019 BISHOPS VISITATION Bishop Dietsche will be here for his episcopal visitation on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Please mark your calendar now, as we will have Confirmations, Receptions, and Re-affirmations that day. If you believe you or your child needs to be confirmed, received, or re-affirmed, please email Mtr. Leigh. A calendar for Confirmation classes will be available in the New Year.
ST. NICK'S IS ON INSTAGRAM St. Nicholas now has an Instagram account. Find us and tag us @stnicholasnewhamburg We need some friends and followers!
STEWARDSHIP 2019' We are close to meeting our $140,000 goal for our stewardship campaign this year. Thank you to all who have submitted a pledge card, especially to our new pledgers. To date, we have 42 pledges totaling $133,318. If you haven't yet returned your card, please do so as soon as possible. Please note that we will not "roll over" your amount from last year unless you tell us to! Thank you for your support of our mission and ministry here at St. Nick's! - Mtr. Leigh
Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the 10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE We are very excited to welcome our new nursery worker, Kim Steuber, to our church staff. Kim will be downstairs at 9:30a setting up our "pop up" nursery in the office/sacristy for nursery care during the 10am service.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
FINANCE COMMITTEE Next meeting will be on January 8th at 7pm.
VESTRY Next meeting will be on January 9th at 7:30pm.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected].
THE ROTA for FALL/WINTER is available HERE. Being a Sunday participant is a great way to be involved in the services at St. Nick's. If there is anyone that would like to sign up to get onto the ROTA for future services please contact Dana in the office at [email protected].
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Janine Gauzza
Second Reader - Jack Devine
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Conrad
Acolyte - Needed
Altar Guild - Joan Freeman
Alms Counters - Sue B. & Janine G.
Sunday School - Joan F. & Deb E.
Coffee Hour - Liz Pavelka
First Sunday after Christmas and Holy Baptism
December 30, 2018
Services are at 9am & 10am
+ HOLY BAPTISM + Congratulations to Liz Pavelka's grandson, Colin Robert Smith, who will be baptised at this Sunday's 10am service. Welcome to their family and friends!
THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD SERVICE,JANUARY 6 Be sure to join us for a special service on Sunday, January 6th, when we will welcome three very special guests at the 10am service. They will have travelled a long way to be here, so let's greet them with our usual St. Nick's hospitality.
The Annual Meeting of the Parish
Sunday, February 3, 2019
2019 BISHOPS VISITATION Bishop Dietsche will be here for his episcopal visitation on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Please mark your calendar now, as we will have Confirmations, Receptions, and Re-affirmations that day. If you believe you or your child needs to be confirmed, received, or re-affirmed, please email Mtr. Leigh. A calendar for Confirmation classes will be available in the New Year.
ST. NICK'S IS ON INSTAGRAM St. Nicholas now has an Instagram account. Find us and tag us @stnicholasnewhamburg We need some friends and followers!
STEWARDSHIP 2019' We are close to meeting our $140,000 goal for our stewardship campaign this year. Thank you to all who have submitted a pledge card, especially to our new pledgers. To date, we have 42 pledges totaling $133,318. If you haven't yet returned your card, please do so as soon as possible. Please note that we will not "roll over" your amount from last year unless you tell us to! Thank you for your support of our mission and ministry here at St. Nick's! - Mtr. Leigh
Sunday School is for kids ages 4-12 and takes place in the undercroft during the first half of the 10am service. If you would like to receive our weekly email with children's news, please contact Jennifer Klein at [email protected]
NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING 10AM SERVICE We are very excited to welcome our new nursery worker, Kim Steuber, to our church staff. Kim will be downstairs at 9:30a setting up our "pop up" nursery in the office/sacristy for nursery care during the 10am service.
COFFEE HOUR is a great time for fellowship! Thinking about hosting? The sign-up sheet is HERE, there are always slots available so please consider signing up. We like to keep it simple so Munchkins, cheese and crackers, or even some veggies will do.
FINANCE COMMITTEE Next meeting will be on January 8th at 7pm.
VESTRY Next meeting will be on January 9th at 7:30pm.
AA GROUP MEETINGS Are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have a concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall, at 845-432-HOLY, or email [email protected].
THE ROTA for FALL/WINTER is available HERE. Being a Sunday participant is a great way to be involved in the services at St. Nick's. If there is anyone that would like to sign up to get onto the ROTA for future services please contact Dana in the office at [email protected].
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Janine Gauzza
Second Reader - Jack Devine
Eucharistic Minister/Server - Paul Conrad
Acolyte - Needed
Altar Guild - Joan Freeman
Alms Counters - Sue B. & Janine G.
Sunday School - Joan F. & Deb E.
Coffee Hour - Liz Pavelka