ANNUAL LOVE INC CHRISTMAS GIFT DRIVE FOR LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED - GIFTS DUE SUNDAY Thank you to all of you who are buying Christmas presents for the children of Love INC families. This year the program will bring gifts to over 110 children. Please bring your wrapped gifts to church no later than Sunday morning. We will then quickly sort and dispatch them for delivery starting Sunday. Thanks as well to our volunteer delivery drivers - Maria Wainwright, Joan and Greg Freeman, Brenda Curran, Leeann Haubrich, Liz Pavelka, Edie and Howie Palm, Janine Gauzza, and Eileen Doherty.
2015 PLEDGE UPDATE We are now only about $8000 shy of our goal of $140,000 in pledges to balance our 2015 budget. If you are one of the eight or so families who haven't yet turned in a pledge card, it is definitely not too late! You can put your card in the plate - extra cards are in the back of the church - or mail it this week or next to the church. We are so grateful for the generosity of St. Nick's parishioners!
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES ARE AT 5 PM & 10 PM The 5 pm service will include the choir, a short children's homily, lots of congregational singing, and Holy Communion. The 10 pm service is a quieter service, with congregational singing, a homily, and Holy Communion. Spread the word!
A BIG WELCOME TO DANA ROWINSKI - DANA'S BIO AND PIC Many of you have already heard from Dana, who is happy to have begun work at St. Nick's! Her picture and bio are on our website at this link (scroll down when you get there), and you can also stop by and greet her any Tuesday or Thursday, 9 am - 2 pm.
RESULTS OF OUR PARISH SURVEY! The Episcopal Church Foundation has tallied our results, and yes, we got excellent feedback - over 50% of households surveyed replied, which is much higher than their average response rate from churches. Good job! If you want to read all or part of the 33-page report, it is now available to everyone HERE. The vestry will discuss the results in January as well as Episcopal Church Foundation's recommendations, making the appropriate adjustments to our goals based on your feedback.
CIVIL RIGHTS PILGRIMAGE OPPORTUNITY FOR TEENS NEXT AUGUST The clergy from the Episcopal churches in Millbrook and Highland Falls have invited our teenagers to participate in their 3rd annual Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Hayneville, Alabama. The flyer for last year's trip is HERE, and we would love to get a few of our kids and adults to participate, both in planning and attendance. Contact Astrid if you might be interested and/or want to learn more.
NEW COFFEE HOUR SIGN-UP SHEET The sign-up sheet for coffee hours through February 15 is HERE, and you can also sign up in the undercroft. The coffee is already made for you - all you have to do is bring some snacks (and you can keep it simple as you like).
A WELCOME AND THANK YOU TO OUR NEWEST FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS! Thank you to Rachel VanDerStuyf and Wally Bottger, who responded to our plea for new members! Also, Diane Levitt has kindly agreed to step in as our interim treasurer once our much-appreciated Larry Johnson retires from the position this January. We can always use more help on the finance committee, which meets once a month. If you're interested, contact Astrid or Dana.
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota through December is available HERE.
9 am
Reader - Polly
Server - Leeann
10 am
First Reader - Sue B.
Second Reader - Peggy
Servers - Livia (crucifer) and Wally (chalice)
Altar - Polly
Counters - Paul Curran and Justin
Coffee Hour - Jennifer Klein
Sunday School - Alex and Marcus
2015 PLEDGE UPDATE We are now only about $8000 shy of our goal of $140,000 in pledges to balance our 2015 budget. If you are one of the eight or so families who haven't yet turned in a pledge card, it is definitely not too late! You can put your card in the plate - extra cards are in the back of the church - or mail it this week or next to the church. We are so grateful for the generosity of St. Nick's parishioners!
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES ARE AT 5 PM & 10 PM The 5 pm service will include the choir, a short children's homily, lots of congregational singing, and Holy Communion. The 10 pm service is a quieter service, with congregational singing, a homily, and Holy Communion. Spread the word!
A BIG WELCOME TO DANA ROWINSKI - DANA'S BIO AND PIC Many of you have already heard from Dana, who is happy to have begun work at St. Nick's! Her picture and bio are on our website at this link (scroll down when you get there), and you can also stop by and greet her any Tuesday or Thursday, 9 am - 2 pm.
RESULTS OF OUR PARISH SURVEY! The Episcopal Church Foundation has tallied our results, and yes, we got excellent feedback - over 50% of households surveyed replied, which is much higher than their average response rate from churches. Good job! If you want to read all or part of the 33-page report, it is now available to everyone HERE. The vestry will discuss the results in January as well as Episcopal Church Foundation's recommendations, making the appropriate adjustments to our goals based on your feedback.
CIVIL RIGHTS PILGRIMAGE OPPORTUNITY FOR TEENS NEXT AUGUST The clergy from the Episcopal churches in Millbrook and Highland Falls have invited our teenagers to participate in their 3rd annual Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Hayneville, Alabama. The flyer for last year's trip is HERE, and we would love to get a few of our kids and adults to participate, both in planning and attendance. Contact Astrid if you might be interested and/or want to learn more.
NEW COFFEE HOUR SIGN-UP SHEET The sign-up sheet for coffee hours through February 15 is HERE, and you can also sign up in the undercroft. The coffee is already made for you - all you have to do is bring some snacks (and you can keep it simple as you like).
A WELCOME AND THANK YOU TO OUR NEWEST FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS! Thank you to Rachel VanDerStuyf and Wally Bottger, who responded to our plea for new members! Also, Diane Levitt has kindly agreed to step in as our interim treasurer once our much-appreciated Larry Johnson retires from the position this January. We can always use more help on the finance committee, which meets once a month. If you're interested, contact Astrid or Dana.
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota through December is available HERE.
9 am
Reader - Polly
Server - Leeann
10 am
First Reader - Sue B.
Second Reader - Peggy
Servers - Livia (crucifer) and Wally (chalice)
Altar - Polly
Counters - Paul Curran and Justin
Coffee Hour - Jennifer Klein
Sunday School - Alex and Marcus