December 10, 2017 - Services are at 9 & 10am
December 10, 2017 - Services are at 9 & 10am
Come ready to sing some carols and to enjoy one of most beautiful services in our Anglican tradition! The Second Sunday of Advent service will be held at 9am. Parents: Please note that due to Lessons & Carols there will be no Sunday School this Sunday.
Thank you to all who have signed up for this years LOVE INC Christmas Angels program to purchase Christmas gifts for local needy children. We still have two families available if any other parishioners would like to participate. Please email Paul Curran ([email protected]) or see Liz Pavelka on Sunday if you wish to assist these children. For those who have already signed up, please bring your wrapped presents to church by the 19th for delivery.
SOMETHING NEW FOR ADVENT: #AdventWord Opt in with Mtr. Leigh for this daily meditation via newsletter. More to come about this on Sunday.
CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS Envelopes for Christmas flower donations will be available in pews this Sunday. Write the name of someone you'd like to remember or give thanks for and then place it in the offering plate. Names will be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin.
LOCAL EVENT: Benjamin Britten's, A Ceremony of Carols & Saint Nicolas, a cantata Directed by Peter Sipple, Performed by the Newburgh Symphonic Chorale and other local artists this Sunday, December 10, 4:00pm, at St. George's Episcopal Church, 105 Grand Street in Newburgh. All are welcome!
Advent II - Sunday, December 10
9a Holy Eucharist
10a Holy Eucharist with Lessons & Carols
Advent III - Sunday, December 17
9a Holy Eucharist
10a Holy Eucharist - Return your gifts for your Angel Tree family today.
4p Caroling in the Hamlet
Advent IV - Morning of Sunday, December 24
10a Holy Eucharist (PLEASE NOTE: There is no 9a Holy Eucharist this
morning due to the evening Christmas Eve schedule.)
Christmas Eve -Evening of Sunday, December 24
4p Holy Eucharist - Family Service with Choir and a special Prelude
6p Holy Eucharist
10p Candlelight Holy Eucharist
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES We are looking for volunteers that would like to participate in the three Christmas Eve services. If you are interested please sign-up HERE in any available time time slot.
Are on Sunday's following the 10am service.
2018 PLEDGE UPDATE Thank you to everyone who sent in your pledges for 2018! So far, we have received 41 pledges for a total of $122,084.92 toward our goal of $137,000.00 If you have yet to hand in your 2018 pledge remember that you can send your pledges by mail or place them in the plate on any Sunday before the end of 2017.
AA GROUP MEETINGS are held in St. Nick's undercroft every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:30pm.
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY As the rising costs of household necessities make more demand on the budgets of our clients, the bigger difference our donations make. Please think about taking the time to pick up an item or two for our local families in need. Following is a list of items needed to stock the shelves: Laundry/dish detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, feminine products, shampoo/conditioner/ combs/brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, deodorant, razors, and shaving cream. The Linen Ministry needs gently used blankets and towels.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact Mother Leigh Hall at 845-432-4659 or email [email protected]
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Thank you to everyone who continues to give to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected].
COFFEE HOUR Interested in hosting coffee hour? It can be simple: Cookies, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions, ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
THE "ROTA" THROUGH JANUARY IS HERE Please take note of your assignments. If cannot honor your commitment to serve, the list of available readers and servers is located at the beginning of the posted ROTA so you can find a replacement.
9 am
Reader - Joseph Haubrich II
Server - Joe Haubrich
10 am
Readers for Lessons & Carols -
1 - Eileen D.
2 - Edie P.
3 - Beth D.
4 - George H.
5 - Liz P.
6 - Dale C.
7 - Joshua K.
8 - Paul C.
9 - Mtr. Leigh
Altar Guild - Leeann H.
Alms Counters - Mary H. & Jack P.
Sunday School - No Sunday School
Coffee Hour - Edie Palm