PERSONAL CARE PANTRY DRIVE - JUST TWO SUNDAYS LEFT! Bring your items this Sunday and next - and let's fill that box each week! Items needed include laundry soap, toilet paper, dish soap, paper towels and tissues. Also needed are razors, sanitary pads, bath soap, tooth paste and toothbrushes.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Sandy and Jonathan Torres, and Caitlin and Johnathon Harris, who will be married at St. Nick's this weekend!
FALL WELCOME BACK PICNIC AT THE FREEMANS SEPTEMBER 20 & POTLUCK SIGN-UP HERE This was a great event last year and so we're doing it again! If you can sign up to bring something, click above or HERE and sign up online.
SILENT AUCTION SEPTEMBER 26 - BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! Tickets are available on our website and at church every Sunday. Look for Joe Haubrich or Jen Uriciuoli at the 9 am service, and Mary Hornbeck at the 10 am service. The annual silent auction is an important fundraiser for our church, and a great time - plus we have some wonderful items rolling in! Save the date and plan to be there!
DOES ANYONE HAVE STILL SHOTS FROM THE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLAY? A lot of video cameras were running, but we are looking for a few still pics for our Facebook page. If you have any, please do send them to Mother Storm by replying to this email.
HAITI READ-A-THON WRAP-UP AND CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 13 Remember our read-a-thon celebration on Sept. 13 after church in the undercroft. DIDN'T EVER GET AROUND TO PICKING UP A FORM? Forms are HERE, and you can still take part! Just tally all the books read over the summer and find a few sponsors - friends or family - to support. Ask grandparents, maybe a neighbor or two, parents - even a parishioner. It's really very simple. Contact Mo. Storm with questions.
DIRECTORY PICTURES SEPTEMBER 20 AT THE PICNIC New since last fall's picnic? Then plan to have your directory picture taken! We want to get everyone in our new directory. Last year's pictures will be re-used, for those who already have a pic. If you want a new one OR have a new addition to your family, you're welcome to have your picture re-taken.
PARENT-TEACHER WEEKLY EMAIL pics goes out every Thursday and contains information on the upcoming Sunday school lesson, goings on for kids, nursery news, etc. If you'd like to be on that list, contact Dana at [email protected] and she will add you.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thanks to all our contributors for a successful capital campaign! With the pledged received thus far, combined with the diocesan grant of $50,000 towards exterior work, we have exceeded our Capital Campaign goal of $265,000! Pledges so far have met 89% of our goal. For those still interested in pledging, it's definitely not too late. Cards are in the back of the church every Sunday and you can put it in the plate or mail it into the church. You can also give online by clicking the link on our website. Remember, what's most important is that as many of us participate as possible, regardless of the amount given. So please consider making a pledge if you haven't already!
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
EVERYTHING ROTA through the end of September is HERE. If you'd ever like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
DIRECTORY AS PDF Our directory with names, addresses AND pictures is availableHERE.
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange-Barber
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Jack Devine
Second Reader -
Servers - Alex Reese and Tyler
Altar - Leeann
Counters - Mary Hornbeck and Needed
Coffee Hour - Needed
CONGRATULATIONS TO Sandy and Jonathan Torres, and Caitlin and Johnathon Harris, who will be married at St. Nick's this weekend!
FALL WELCOME BACK PICNIC AT THE FREEMANS SEPTEMBER 20 & POTLUCK SIGN-UP HERE This was a great event last year and so we're doing it again! If you can sign up to bring something, click above or HERE and sign up online.
SILENT AUCTION SEPTEMBER 26 - BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! Tickets are available on our website and at church every Sunday. Look for Joe Haubrich or Jen Uriciuoli at the 9 am service, and Mary Hornbeck at the 10 am service. The annual silent auction is an important fundraiser for our church, and a great time - plus we have some wonderful items rolling in! Save the date and plan to be there!
DOES ANYONE HAVE STILL SHOTS FROM THE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLAY? A lot of video cameras were running, but we are looking for a few still pics for our Facebook page. If you have any, please do send them to Mother Storm by replying to this email.
HAITI READ-A-THON WRAP-UP AND CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 13 Remember our read-a-thon celebration on Sept. 13 after church in the undercroft. DIDN'T EVER GET AROUND TO PICKING UP A FORM? Forms are HERE, and you can still take part! Just tally all the books read over the summer and find a few sponsors - friends or family - to support. Ask grandparents, maybe a neighbor or two, parents - even a parishioner. It's really very simple. Contact Mo. Storm with questions.
DIRECTORY PICTURES SEPTEMBER 20 AT THE PICNIC New since last fall's picnic? Then plan to have your directory picture taken! We want to get everyone in our new directory. Last year's pictures will be re-used, for those who already have a pic. If you want a new one OR have a new addition to your family, you're welcome to have your picture re-taken.
PARENT-TEACHER WEEKLY EMAIL pics goes out every Thursday and contains information on the upcoming Sunday school lesson, goings on for kids, nursery news, etc. If you'd like to be on that list, contact Dana at [email protected] and she will add you.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thanks to all our contributors for a successful capital campaign! With the pledged received thus far, combined with the diocesan grant of $50,000 towards exterior work, we have exceeded our Capital Campaign goal of $265,000! Pledges so far have met 89% of our goal. For those still interested in pledging, it's definitely not too late. Cards are in the back of the church every Sunday and you can put it in the plate or mail it into the church. You can also give online by clicking the link on our website. Remember, what's most important is that as many of us participate as possible, regardless of the amount given. So please consider making a pledge if you haven't already!
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
EVERYTHING ROTA through the end of September is HERE. If you'd ever like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
DIRECTORY AS PDF Our directory with names, addresses AND pictures is availableHERE.
9 am
Reader - Cheryl Lange-Barber
Server - Leeann Haubrich
10 am
First Reader - Jack Devine
Second Reader -
Servers - Alex Reese and Tyler
Altar - Leeann
Counters - Mary Hornbeck and Needed
Coffee Hour - Needed