Third Sunday of Easter
April 30, 2017
HELLO PARISHIONERS - This is a very exciting time for St. Nick's and we are only a couple of weeks away from welcoming our new Rector! During these next couple of weeks we are grateful to have some wonderful clergy members to officiate for us. This week we will welcome the Rev. Deborah Dresser. Thank you, Deborah, for being with us during our transition to lead our services.
COMING SOON - SPRING WORK DAY AT ST. NICK'S The parish will have a Spring Work Day on Saturday, May 13th from 9am - 12pm. We have indoor and outdoor jobs to do and could use help with both. If you can come out to lend a helping hand it would be greatly appreciated.
Sunday, May 7th at Bowdoin Park (Pavilion 5) @ 2:00 PM
Let's all come out and support this awesome event that has been produced by our own, Aidan Cuite. This Concert features young musicians from around the Hudson Valley. There will be great music, food and fun!
Saturday, May 7th from 9am - 4pm.
31 Point Street
New Hamburg, NY
CHILDREN'S EPISCOPAL RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT OFFERING Thank you to everyone who helped make our Lenten fundraiser such a success! The children, with all of your help, have raised enough money to purchase 3 goats, a flock of chickens, mosquito nets and 2 pigs for a family/community in a developing country.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thank you to everyone who continues to give to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and the time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
SUNDAY SCHOOL for kids ages 4-12 is available at the 10am service. Parents check out the weekly Parent/Teacher email for more information about what the children are learning about. If you are not subscribed to this email but would like to be you can contact Dana in the office to be added to the list.
COFFEE HOUR The new sign-up sheet through July is now available for those who would like to host. It can be simple: Cookies, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions, ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact one of the five members of the parish that have been serving as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and clergy. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
9 am
Reader - Rachel VanDerStuyf
Server - Needed
10 am
Reader - Stacey Mesler
Reader - Derek Reis-Larson
Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - Evelyn Reis-Larson
Altar Guild - Barbara Giaimo
Alms Counters - Mary H. & Eileen D.
Sunday School - Jack D. & George H.
Coffee Hour - Stacey & Colin
COMING SOON - SPRING WORK DAY AT ST. NICK'S The parish will have a Spring Work Day on Saturday, May 13th from 9am - 12pm. We have indoor and outdoor jobs to do and could use help with both. If you can come out to lend a helping hand it would be greatly appreciated.
Sunday, May 7th at Bowdoin Park (Pavilion 5) @ 2:00 PM
Let's all come out and support this awesome event that has been produced by our own, Aidan Cuite. This Concert features young musicians from around the Hudson Valley. There will be great music, food and fun!
Saturday, May 7th from 9am - 4pm.
31 Point Street
New Hamburg, NY
CHILDREN'S EPISCOPAL RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT OFFERING Thank you to everyone who helped make our Lenten fundraiser such a success! The children, with all of your help, have raised enough money to purchase 3 goats, a flock of chickens, mosquito nets and 2 pigs for a family/community in a developing country.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS Thank you to everyone who continues to give to St. Nick's capital campaign. It is because of your generosity and the time that has been dedicated to this project that we have been able to make a more firm foundation for our worship space. Anyone who would like to check their pledge status can contact Dana at [email protected]. Those of you who would like to make a payment towards your campaign pledge here are two easy ways to make a payment:
1. Put your payment into the big box in the back of the church which is marked "Capital Campaign". Please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks, this will help keep Sunday donations distinct from campaign donations.
2. Mail your payment to the St. Nick's at 37 Point St., New Hamburg NY. Once again please write "Capital Campaign" on all checks.
SUNDAY SCHOOL for kids ages 4-12 is available at the 10am service. Parents check out the weekly Parent/Teacher email for more information about what the children are learning about. If you are not subscribed to this email but would like to be you can contact Dana in the office to be added to the list.
COFFEE HOUR The new sign-up sheet through July is now available for those who would like to host. It can be simple: Cookies, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click HERE for instructions, ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
2016-17 ONLINE STEWARDSHIP DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of the directory.
PASTORAL MINISTRY If you have concern for yourself, a family member or friend, please contact one of the five members of the parish that have been serving as pastoral liaisons between members of the parish and clergy. They are, Liz Pavelka (297 4907), Polly Myhrum (297 5681), Rachel VanDerStuyf (896 2137), Melanie Hexel (297 3114), or Paul Curran (914 844 0894).
9 am
Reader - Rachel VanDerStuyf
Server - Needed
10 am
Reader - Stacey Mesler
Reader - Derek Reis-Larson
Server - Alex Reese
Acolyte - Evelyn Reis-Larson
Altar Guild - Barbara Giaimo
Alms Counters - Mary H. & Eileen D.
Sunday School - Jack D. & George H.
Coffee Hour - Stacey & Colin