WELCOME BABY NAOMI! In case you missed it in last week's email, HERE are a couple pics of Naomi Storm Wood (born April 8) on our Facebook Page. Welcome, Naomi! She can't wait to meet the St. Nick's family!
SUNDAY SERVICES ARE AT 9 & 10 AM Mother Storm is officially on maternity leave. During this time we welcome Father Sipple to lead our Sunday services. For his bio, click HERE.
ST. NICK'S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are about to embark on our fundraising effort to address critical deferred maintenance and building improvements to meet the needs of the growing parish community. Visit our parish website and watch your emails for Capital Campaign News. (Gmail users check your "spam" if the news emails aren't arriving in your in-box - we're still working on this issue).
SAVE THE DATE: CAPITAL CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF PARTY MAY 3 Your invitations should have arrived in the mail for our big kick-off party at Peggy and Wally's home in nearby Bowdoin Park. Listen at announcements for more detail.
LOVE INC. FURNITURE MISSION: Love INC. needs our help. They are looking for furniture donations to help families in need. Please click HERE for a full list of items they are in need of.
LETS NOT FORGET OUR OWN: We no longer have a microwave in the church kitchen. Anyone interested in donating a microwave can either drop it off at the church or contact Dana (845)297-2010.
COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE Thank you to those of you who recently signed up to host coffee hours. We still have LOTS of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made. Click on the link for ideas/instructions, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota (reader-server-altar guild-counter-teacher schedule) through May 24 is available HERE. IF you're not on it but would like to be, please pardon our mistake and let Dana know right away at [email protected].
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE Dreaming about your summer plans? Before you make them, keep in mind Vacation Bible School, which will be the last week in July (July 27-31), 9:30 am - noon. VBS is for kids ages 4-12; older kids are welcome - encouraged - to sign on as volunteers.
DIRECTORY AS A PDF The parish directory is available at this link to those who would like an electronic copy.
9 am
Reader - Polly Myhrum
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader - George Hemroth
Second Reader - Janine Gauzza
Servers - Livia & Liz Pavelka
Altar - Polly Myhrum
Counters - Justin Johnson and Cheryl Lange-Barber
Coffee Hour - Eileen Doherty
Sunday School - Jack & Marcus
Nursery Volunteer - Needed
SUNDAY SERVICES ARE AT 9 & 10 AM Mother Storm is officially on maternity leave. During this time we welcome Father Sipple to lead our Sunday services. For his bio, click HERE.
ST. NICK'S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are about to embark on our fundraising effort to address critical deferred maintenance and building improvements to meet the needs of the growing parish community. Visit our parish website and watch your emails for Capital Campaign News. (Gmail users check your "spam" if the news emails aren't arriving in your in-box - we're still working on this issue).
SAVE THE DATE: CAPITAL CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF PARTY MAY 3 Your invitations should have arrived in the mail for our big kick-off party at Peggy and Wally's home in nearby Bowdoin Park. Listen at announcements for more detail.
LOVE INC. FURNITURE MISSION: Love INC. needs our help. They are looking for furniture donations to help families in need. Please click HERE for a full list of items they are in need of.
LETS NOT FORGET OUR OWN: We no longer have a microwave in the church kitchen. Anyone interested in donating a microwave can either drop it off at the church or contact Dana (845)297-2010.
COFFEE HOUR - SIGN UP HERE Thank you to those of you who recently signed up to host coffee hours. We still have LOTS of coffee hour slots open. It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made. Click on the link for ideas/instructions, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE "EVERYTHING ROTA" The rota (reader-server-altar guild-counter-teacher schedule) through May 24 is available HERE. IF you're not on it but would like to be, please pardon our mistake and let Dana know right away at [email protected].
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE Dreaming about your summer plans? Before you make them, keep in mind Vacation Bible School, which will be the last week in July (July 27-31), 9:30 am - noon. VBS is for kids ages 4-12; older kids are welcome - encouraged - to sign on as volunteers.
DIRECTORY AS A PDF The parish directory is available at this link to those who would like an electronic copy.
9 am
Reader - Polly Myhrum
Server - Polly Myhrum
10 am
First Reader - George Hemroth
Second Reader - Janine Gauzza
Servers - Livia & Liz Pavelka
Altar - Polly Myhrum
Counters - Justin Johnson and Cheryl Lange-Barber
Coffee Hour - Eileen Doherty
Sunday School - Jack & Marcus
Nursery Volunteer - Needed