CHILI FEST AND CRAFT FAIR! Come and join us for some chili, craft fair, "Trash-n-Treasure" bag sale and lots of fun!! Click HERE for any last minutes food donations.
POLLY MYHRUM POTTERY Will also be participating in the chili & craft fair on Saturday. Swing by the studio for her annual holiday sale!
ADULT EDUCATION THIS COMING SUNDAY! Our rescheduled presentationby ZerotoGo, part of our "Waste Not" series, will be this Sunday after church. We will have childcare available during that hour for parents who would like to stay.
PLEDGE PROGRESS FOR 2016 A huge thank you to everyone who has handed in pledge cards. So far, we have 42 pledge cards totaling $112,704.00 toward our goal of ~60 pledge cards totaling $155,000.00. You can put your card in the plate any time this month, or whenever you're able. Thank you for your support! Pledge cards were included in your stewardship yearbook & directories. Please contact Dana if you didn't yet receive yours.
NEW!! THURSDAY LUNCHTIME BIBLE STUDY ON SUNDAY'S READINGS Drop in when you can at noon every Thursday for a short service of noonday prayer followed by 45 minutes of Bible study and discussion on the texts for the coming Sunday! This is a totally casual, no pressure, come-as-you-can sort of thing. Hope to see you there! Runs noon-1 pm. NOTE: We will not meet Thanksgiving Thursday, but will resume the week after that.
TONIGHT!! THE TREBLE CHORISTERS OF THE ST. THOMAS 5TH AVENUE BOY'S CHOIR will perform at Zion Church in Wappingers Falls on Friday, November 20 at 6 pm. Tickets available here - note, not at the door. You may still be able to get a ticket if you hurry!NEW! MID-HUDSON YOUTH GROUP "CONNECT" FOR AGES 14-18 The next meeting is Sunday November 29 at Grace Church Millbrook. Contact Mo. Storm with questions or see the info in the parent-teacher email.
CHOIR REHEARSALS Our choir has begun preparing for the Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve services. Rehearsals take place after church. Interested in learning more about the choir? Talk to Dan after the service or email him at [email protected]. The choir will sing again at Easter.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Kids ages 4-12 are welcome to join the Sunday school group downstairs for the first half of the 10 am service. Older kids who would like to help can also attend. The kids are currently doing an eight-week unit on the creation story in Genesis with an emphasis on stewardship of God's earth.
2015-2016 ONLINE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of your directories.
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE ROTA for December and January is in progress. If you'd like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
9 am
Reader - Joe Haubrich
Server - Polly Myrhum
10 am
First Reader - Sue Blodgett
Second Reader - Jack Devine
Servers - Elizabeth Cuite & Wally Bottger
Altar - Liz Pavelka
Counters - Dale Cunningham & Mary Hornbeck
Sunday School - Advent Wreaths!! Volunteers needed!!
Coffee Hour - Needed
POLLY MYHRUM POTTERY Will also be participating in the chili & craft fair on Saturday. Swing by the studio for her annual holiday sale!
ADULT EDUCATION THIS COMING SUNDAY! Our rescheduled presentationby ZerotoGo, part of our "Waste Not" series, will be this Sunday after church. We will have childcare available during that hour for parents who would like to stay.
PLEDGE PROGRESS FOR 2016 A huge thank you to everyone who has handed in pledge cards. So far, we have 42 pledge cards totaling $112,704.00 toward our goal of ~60 pledge cards totaling $155,000.00. You can put your card in the plate any time this month, or whenever you're able. Thank you for your support! Pledge cards were included in your stewardship yearbook & directories. Please contact Dana if you didn't yet receive yours.
NEW!! THURSDAY LUNCHTIME BIBLE STUDY ON SUNDAY'S READINGS Drop in when you can at noon every Thursday for a short service of noonday prayer followed by 45 minutes of Bible study and discussion on the texts for the coming Sunday! This is a totally casual, no pressure, come-as-you-can sort of thing. Hope to see you there! Runs noon-1 pm. NOTE: We will not meet Thanksgiving Thursday, but will resume the week after that.
TONIGHT!! THE TREBLE CHORISTERS OF THE ST. THOMAS 5TH AVENUE BOY'S CHOIR will perform at Zion Church in Wappingers Falls on Friday, November 20 at 6 pm. Tickets available here - note, not at the door. You may still be able to get a ticket if you hurry!NEW! MID-HUDSON YOUTH GROUP "CONNECT" FOR AGES 14-18 The next meeting is Sunday November 29 at Grace Church Millbrook. Contact Mo. Storm with questions or see the info in the parent-teacher email.
CHOIR REHEARSALS Our choir has begun preparing for the Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve services. Rehearsals take place after church. Interested in learning more about the choir? Talk to Dan after the service or email him at [email protected]. The choir will sing again at Easter.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Kids ages 4-12 are welcome to join the Sunday school group downstairs for the first half of the 10 am service. Older kids who would like to help can also attend. The kids are currently doing an eight-week unit on the creation story in Genesis with an emphasis on stewardship of God's earth.
2015-2016 ONLINE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Click here for the online version of your directories.
COFFEE HOURS - SIGN UP ANY TIME RIGHT HERE It can be simple: donuts, carrot sticks, crackers and cheese - whatever you can pick up at the store. The coffee is already made for you by the altar guild. Click on the link above for instructions and ideas, and to sign up. Thank you!
THE ROTA for December and January is in progress. If you'd like to be added as a reader or server, contact Dana or Mother Storm.
9 am
Reader - Joe Haubrich
Server - Polly Myrhum
10 am
First Reader - Sue Blodgett
Second Reader - Jack Devine
Servers - Elizabeth Cuite & Wally Bottger
Altar - Liz Pavelka
Counters - Dale Cunningham & Mary Hornbeck
Sunday School - Advent Wreaths!! Volunteers needed!!
Coffee Hour - Needed