THIS SUNDAY: THE TREBLE CHORISTERS Four boys from the St. Thomas Fifth Avenue Boys' Choir will sing for us this Sunday to help raise awareness for the Darbonne Read-a-thon project. At coffee hour after church, the kids will be encouraged to drum up sponsors for their books (more on that below). ALSO, during the 10 am service Astrid will briefly talk to the kids about Haiti and the Read-a-thon (why we're doing it, who it's for, etc.).
COFFEE HOUR: DARBONNE SPONSORSHIP SIGN-UPS Kids (and parents): Don't forget to bring your sign-up sheets for the summer read-a-thon to the coffee hour this Sunday to collect more sponsors.
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS DESPERATELY NEEDED for our summer Sundays (sign up here or at the church). Remember, "keep it simple" is our summer motto!
NEWCOMER CLASS New(ish) to St. Nick's and interested in learning more about us? Astrid is putting together a newcomer class, date TBA (probably mid-July). Email her at [email protected] if you're interested and she'll add you to the list.
JULY IS LOVE INC PERSONAL CARE PANTRY MONTH As in years past, throughout the month of July we will be collecting items for the Love INC personal care pantry. Liz will have lists of specific needed items available on the first Sunday of July. Stay tuned!
NEW ROTA set The summer rota is available HERE. Remember this is the first pass at it, and we are happy to make changes as needed. Just email Cara.
Several area churches are hoping
to build a home together in Poughkeepsie, and we need volunteeres to sign up. Click here to sign up right through Habitat Dutchess website, or contact our liason, Eileen Doherty, for more information.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: SAVE THE DATE AND REGISTER ONLINE This year's vacation bible school is AUGUST 11-15, and our theme is Five Stories from Luke's Gospel. Geared toward ages 4-12. If you know your son or daughter will be attending, you can register them with Cara, our office manager, by emailing her directly.
9am Service
Reader: Larry
Server: Leeann
10 am Service
First Reader: Beth
Second Reader: Dale
Servers: Livia & (Chalice bearer STILL NEEDED)
Altar Guild: Polly
Counters: Justin and George H.
Coffee Hour: NEEDED
COFFEE HOUR: DARBONNE SPONSORSHIP SIGN-UPS Kids (and parents): Don't forget to bring your sign-up sheets for the summer read-a-thon to the coffee hour this Sunday to collect more sponsors.
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS DESPERATELY NEEDED for our summer Sundays (sign up here or at the church). Remember, "keep it simple" is our summer motto!
NEWCOMER CLASS New(ish) to St. Nick's and interested in learning more about us? Astrid is putting together a newcomer class, date TBA (probably mid-July). Email her at [email protected] if you're interested and she'll add you to the list.
JULY IS LOVE INC PERSONAL CARE PANTRY MONTH As in years past, throughout the month of July we will be collecting items for the Love INC personal care pantry. Liz will have lists of specific needed items available on the first Sunday of July. Stay tuned!
NEW ROTA set The summer rota is available HERE. Remember this is the first pass at it, and we are happy to make changes as needed. Just email Cara.
Several area churches are hoping
to build a home together in Poughkeepsie, and we need volunteeres to sign up. Click here to sign up right through Habitat Dutchess website, or contact our liason, Eileen Doherty, for more information.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: SAVE THE DATE AND REGISTER ONLINE This year's vacation bible school is AUGUST 11-15, and our theme is Five Stories from Luke's Gospel. Geared toward ages 4-12. If you know your son or daughter will be attending, you can register them with Cara, our office manager, by emailing her directly.
9am Service
Reader: Larry
Server: Leeann
10 am Service
First Reader: Beth
Second Reader: Dale
Servers: Livia & (Chalice bearer STILL NEEDED)
Altar Guild: Polly
Counters: Justin and George H.
Coffee Hour: NEEDED