Hi parents & teachers - this Sunday the kids continue their lesson on the Old Testament prophets with the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace from the Book of Daniel - another one that's sure to be a hit with our boys in particular. Teachers are Katie and NEEDED (teachers: please email me if you can fill in).
New! This Sunday, we're going to acknowledge our Girl Scouts in the congregation at the announcements. Girls are welcome to wear their vests, and if you would like Christine Stasaitis, Lily's mom, to pick up a patch for Sunday, email her at [email protected]. Thanks, Christine, for thinking of this!
A quick reminder to our teachers of the Sunday School TeacherMaternity Leave Meeting THIS Sunday after the 10 am service. We'll meet for 20 min near my desk to go through things for the weeks I'm away.
Also, to parents & teachers all: we're looking for everyone's help putting together this year's egg hunt. If you can, bring plastic eggs filled with candy to church on March 29. Questions? Email Katie, Oliver's mom, at [email protected]. The egg hunt is on Easter Sunday after the 10 am service.
And finally, remember our Lenten project of collecting change to support Episcopal Relief and Development's "Gifts for Life" program. Send your kids to Sunday school with some spare change to help them reach their goal!
Have a great weekend and see you Sunday!
- Astrid
New! This Sunday, we're going to acknowledge our Girl Scouts in the congregation at the announcements. Girls are welcome to wear their vests, and if you would like Christine Stasaitis, Lily's mom, to pick up a patch for Sunday, email her at [email protected]. Thanks, Christine, for thinking of this!
A quick reminder to our teachers of the Sunday School TeacherMaternity Leave Meeting THIS Sunday after the 10 am service. We'll meet for 20 min near my desk to go through things for the weeks I'm away.
Also, to parents & teachers all: we're looking for everyone's help putting together this year's egg hunt. If you can, bring plastic eggs filled with candy to church on March 29. Questions? Email Katie, Oliver's mom, at [email protected]. The egg hunt is on Easter Sunday after the 10 am service.
And finally, remember our Lenten project of collecting change to support Episcopal Relief and Development's "Gifts for Life" program. Send your kids to Sunday school with some spare change to help them reach their goal!
Have a great weekend and see you Sunday!
- Astrid