Hi parents & teachers - This Sunday the kids will continue their lesson on the prophet Elijah, this one about Elijah being carried up into heaven in a whirlwind and chariot of fire - almost as good as last week's fiery showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal! Teachers for this week are Derek and Sarah.
Next Week!! February 17 is the Shrove Tuesday/Mardis Gras Pancake supper, a fun family event for the whole parish. It will be at the New Hamburg Firehouse again this year. Drop in any time between 5-8 pm. $4 per child and $8 per adult. Also ...
Pancake Supper: Still Looking for kids to serve We are looking for kids who would like to be servers at the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Sign up for an hour to work. Pass out pancakes and jambalaya. Get drinks and help clean up trash. It's going to be tons of fun. Please see Jen Urciuoli ASAP to sign up. Sign up at church or email at [email protected]
And remember to Save the date: Vacation Bible School is July 27-31 (because I know you're thinking - more like dreaming - about your summer plans about now!). VBS is open to everyone ages 4-12, and runs from 9:30 - noon. It culminates in a big play the Sunday following, August 2. Spread the word!
Teachers, the teaching schedule is available here.
And a reminder from Caitlin, our nursery caregiver, that we can always use more volunteers to help out. Ideally, the nursery is run by Caitlin *and* a parent volunteer each week. You can reach her by email at [email protected].
Have a great weekend!
- Astrid