Hi Parents & Teachers - allow me to give one last desperate plug for this Saturday's convention (11 am), at which I would really love to have a few kids. Just like here in church on Sundays, they would present the offering to the bishop during the Offertory, only the aisle is much longer and the crowd bigger. Please let me know ASAP if you are considering coming, and I'll send you all the info you need - address, time, attire, etc. so you can decide.
For Sunday school, this week's teachers are Maria and George, who will be finishing our multi-week unit on the Ten Commandments - and yes, there's a lot to say about them!
In three weeks, December 7, I will be leading a Kids and Communion Class immediately after the 10 am service, on St. Nick's Day. This is for kids who have been receiving Communion and kids who are preparing to. We'll discuss (in kid friendly terms of course) why we receive Communion, where this custom comes from in the Bible, the "proper" way to receive in our tradition, and so on. These are always super fun - you're welcome to stay and learn, too!
And, of course, remember that day is our Feast of St. Nick, with the annual visit from St. Nicholas himself!
Have a good weekend, and see you Sunday (better yet, Saturday!)
- Astrid
For Sunday school, this week's teachers are Maria and George, who will be finishing our multi-week unit on the Ten Commandments - and yes, there's a lot to say about them!
In three weeks, December 7, I will be leading a Kids and Communion Class immediately after the 10 am service, on St. Nick's Day. This is for kids who have been receiving Communion and kids who are preparing to. We'll discuss (in kid friendly terms of course) why we receive Communion, where this custom comes from in the Bible, the "proper" way to receive in our tradition, and so on. These are always super fun - you're welcome to stay and learn, too!
And, of course, remember that day is our Feast of St. Nick, with the annual visit from St. Nicholas himself!
Have a good weekend, and see you Sunday (better yet, Saturday!)
- Astrid