Hi parents and teachers - a reminder that we have our annual meeting + potluck after church this Sunday. We will have lots of childcare - Caitlin plus two other paid sitters from Inigo's daycare. The kids will all gather in the undercroft (the annual meeting is at the Yacht Club behind the church), where there will be games, coloring sheets, movies, and pizza.
In other words: I'm hoping to make it as convenient as possible for you to attend the meeting! Childcare lasts until 1:30, but feel free to come and go as you're able.
If you definitely know your child will be there, please let me know so I can order the right number of pizzas.
Nursery News
Nursery care will be available during the 10 am service (as usual) and also during the annual meeting.
Who's on This Sunday January 19
Sunday School - Alison and Sarah
Nursery - Michelle
Who's on Next Sunday January 26
Sunday School - George and Maria
Nursery - Marcus
Teacher Schedule Through February HERE